I had women uninvitedly grab my cock in college on two different occasions in class. This will not ever be seen as an assault nor taken seriously if reported but I will continue to share this story too.
I had women uninvitedly grab my cock in college on two different occasions in class. This will not ever be seen as an assault nor taken seriously if reported but I will continue to share this story too.
No cries of racism? That’s weird.
Good to see that the fake outrage culture is alive and well in America!
Half the comments and posts on here are paid government shills or just mindless college kids repeating what they heard on the television. A nation of people not capable of critical thinking because it’s deemed a conspiracy theory that should scare you.
They were effective in not spreading the money they received for haitians correct.
“I don’t get ridiculous and toxic communication on console”
Fucking Activision Board Trustees. Let’s change something our whole customer base is familiar with so we don’t seem like a networking company, I’d really like to understand the logic here.
This is real life idiocracy
Meanwhile Hilary embezzles charity dollars appropriated for impoverished haitian children.
About $80 to hire a lawyer; If everyone requested a trial by jury to prove guilt the court system would be so backed up they’d lose more money than they’d gain from people taking “plea bargains” BUT that requires an informed citizenry who’s not ignorant to their constitutional rights and that’s asking a lot.
I did it once it a parking lot.deeeeeeerrrrrp.
Do you know what marijuana legalization would do for America economically/medically? Colorado has to literally give money back from the tax revenue! This isn’t about public safety at this point, it’s not about the children, it’s about economic control of a drug subculture throughout the judicial and prison system. In…
No, war! Just limp wristed jabs from effeminate pseudo intellectuals.
Even black people oppress each other, what a world!
virtue signaling engaged.
When you’re not crying, how do you have time for that amount of fake outrage? It must be exhausting.