
I think they were friendly acquaintances, but after all the Lying Hillary and Lock Her Up shit Trump threw at her mom, I’m sure Chelsea would like to cut the Trumps into tiny pieces.

Yep, my 16 year old sister confirmed that this is because they are hyper aware of their online presence and want to be in control of it. It’s also a signal to your friends not to tag you either, which I get but...why are you posing for a picture in the first place? Why not just decline the photographer or turn your

But Melania is a Trophy Wife. In order for a Trophy to do it’s assumed ‘job’, it must be displayed every now and then to intimidate or awe ones’ enemies and followers.

Of all the reasons to hate politics, the hypocrisy of the right on our current and last first ladies is right up there. Melania is on the cover of Vanity Fair eating diamonds and won’t move to DC yet it’s crickets on her because the left is too nice and the right doesn’t care. Michelle Obama asks kids to eat healthy

I’ve seen this posted here before:

I think it is obvious that she hates him, but also that he hates her. He has contempt and rage towards women, and despises her. I hate to think what goes on between them behind closed doors and I hope she’s smart enough to protect/defend herself

Bill and Hillary are warmer together!

I’ve only seen a few gifs, really.

Well, they’ll never have anything truly to themselves again — but Donald-free is a plus!

Dear Melania,

Oh, there’s one way. As Gloria Steinem said, “Maybe men should think twice before making widowhood our only path to power.”

That is the face of a woman who can smell another woman’s pee on her husband.

I didn’t come up with this, but I’m gleefully stealing it.

somehow Jared Kushner will die in an “accident” then Drumpf will sign an executive order to allow marriage to his daughter.

I have the awful suspicion that JFK and Bill Clinton are going to look like a pair of eunuchs in comparison. Trump might try to go full Berlusconi on us.

“His wife … if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say.