
Counterpoint: how many of us would buy a huffy motorcycle?

ST205 Celica GT-Four

So is there a way to build it with the engine in the back? Asking for GM.

Good to hear. I’m 36 years old, I’m an auto journalist, and this is only the fifth car I’ve ever owned, and I babied all of them except for a ‘87 Audi 4000csq that was a winter beater so I DG(that much of)AF. If anything goes wrong with the WRX, it almost certainly won’t be my fault. I’m just wary of all the anecdotes

I had a 2015 WRX for three years with zero problems. Maintain it with oil changes per manufacturer. I cannot stress that enough. Break it in according to the manual. Get the engine to proper temperature before dipping into the boost/revs. Garage it, don’t drive it like an asshole and you won’t have any problems. The

I posted it before, but it was always after 5:00, so it’s never actually been up for a real vote.

I do admit I’ve told this story more than once, but I don’t think it would hurt to tell it one more time.

If you are curious, here were the alternate headlines:

I can only imagine how Washington and Vegas fans were feeling during this.

I disagree.

Offer car people want. Raise price so nobody wants it. Kill car due to lack of demand. Genius.

He hasn’t even done anything to it. It was a test car that they accidentally sold, and it’s way faster than other Mustangs, but they won’t tell him what they did to it.

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

This has to be the most jalopnik picture ever posted on jalopnik

My “Round Nose” Yamaha Superjet and my Volvo V90 (Which has since been replaced by a V70R :)