30 years ago, Pat Bendard was saying early-emissions clunkers, the things no-one could be bothered to keep in tune, crapped out way more garbage then well-loved, pre-emissions monsters …
30 years ago, Pat Bendard was saying early-emissions clunkers, the things no-one could be bothered to keep in tune, crapped out way more garbage then well-loved, pre-emissions monsters …
Did someone say [url=https://books.google.com/books?id=lQAAA…]Gleasman Steering Gear[/url]? 'Cause I defiantly heard someone say [url=https://books.google.com/books?id=lQAAA…]Gleasman Steering Gear[/url].
"… With a ground effects tunnel big enough for a family of four …" read the Car and Driver reporting of it.
SLP. [i]The[/i] SLP? The ones' whom pissed off all them Pontiac owners over rims that lost their chrome, or the thin-assed fiberglass?
It's all BS in the name of not-tax revinew: Seniors wander into the street all the time, playing Buck-Buck? The four-laner was built *after* the old-folks home?
So why the hell is it so hard to find someone to broadcast to? OBS has a list in it's settings, but this post is the first to say something about who's who …
-Mustang SVO
"EcoBoost" has always been a terribad name.
Turn in you Man Card.
Nobody <i>ever</i> talks about how the thar "Stealth" wreck ripped off Macross Plus …
Why are most of the links down, one way or another?
I don't believe you.
How is this [i]not[/i] about a Doomsday Cult?
Goodyear knows Yanks like us are stupid, so it's sticking with "blimp"
Anyone remember how the Descent Freespace demo had Itano Circus? The missiles even had a name for it, as your first clue …
What better coffin nail to "sports" could there be then this?
The Razer thing is A Trap: Nothing is in stock, and the coupon will expire Real Soon Now.