Ugh — that tacky, regressive red mermaid/showgirl outfit on that last runway — I think she wore it because she know she had no chance in hell — and Santino PRAISED it! He should have left the show then, not 2 seasons later.
Ugh — that tacky, regressive red mermaid/showgirl outfit on that last runway — I think she wore it because she know she had no chance in hell — and Santino PRAISED it! He should have left the show then, not 2 seasons later.
Addendum after watching it again: I missed Thorgy's farewell words the first time: "Witty catchphrase, knowwhatImean!?" Which puts a cherry on my "show is getting into a meta deficit" rant sundae.
Also, her choice to be "Real Housewives" for the Glamazon By Colorevolution commercial challenge wasn't a home run. And her horror movie character was okay but nothing memorable. I wasn't even that impressed with her ruby outfit for the Glitter Ball, but Santino had multiples over it, which probably saved her (and…
Bob/Naomi/Chi Chi would be my dream final. For now I'm just commenting on the similarities in the drag types between both seasons. Thorgy was more like Darienne Lake I guess, and Naomi and Kim Chi are different parts Trinity and Jocelyn Fox.
Oh my sweet gherkin, Shannel's self-absorbed denial act bugged the shit out of me in the first season! She was slightly more loveable in All-Stars, but Chad totally (and happily) carried her to the finals.
I kind of agree about Bob. I didn't notice until this week that S8 is turning into season 6. Bob = Bianca (clown who can sew, so no weaknesses); Derrick = Courtney (pretty and a good performer but not enough vulnerability to break out); Chi Chi = Adore (rough around the edges but is able leave her heart on the stage…
The right queen went home this week. Of all the NY queens, Thorgy was acting the most like a Heather (and I detested the Heathers in S3). Bob knows how to keep it Bianca-real, and Acid Betty was just killing time for the free exposure. But Thorgy was feeling herself a little more than she was actually bringing it.
This. I don't care about this "whitewashing" nonsense, boo hoo, or changing some character names here and there. But those adorable, bubbly robots better be rolling around the corner in several scenes or it's all for naught.
I'm with Anthony — I'll never be an SM64 legend, but I think I've watched siglemic's 16/120-star run at AGDQ 2013 more times than I have some of my favorite movies.
The obvious case could be made for the starring cast of Fargo (the film), but in addition to McDormand, Macy and Buscemi, I would add John Carroll Lynch as Marge's husband Norm. Without his work, the balance to that marriage relationship wouldn't have been as believable onscreen.
The interpretive dance portion must have been the deciding factor in the bottom two, and in Robbie's elimination, because all three queens' looks were equally busted. Chi Chi knows how to mop a runway, and Derrick showed why she stayed over Robbie in the lip sync, so it stands to reason that her interpretive dance…
I checked IMDb and the movie she said that about was Get A Job — filmed in 2012 and not released until recently. I remember reading that line in the Trivia page, but it seems to have been edited out after it was finally released.
Is this the movie that Anna Kendrick has been going around for years saying she didn't think it would ever be released?
I didn't dislike it. The book was slashed to bits and several songs went missing, but I've come to expect that in every adaptation since Chicago did it. Interesting cast.
He wasn't as successful with a nonmusical play he wrote with George Furth, 1995's Getting Away With Murder. I actually booed the hokey cliffhanger resolution that started the second act. My one and only "boo" ever in a Broadway theater! (And yes, it was quick and practically under my breath, but we were near the front…
He physically made the changes, but I don't know that they were his choice, or more likely by studio decree.
I thought he wouldn't like it because Natalie Wood's face was painted orange and she didn't do her own singing. But yeah he has a point about the overall tone of the film. Plus the watered down language (it wasn't that blue to begin with), and gang members who looked more like they were on their way to Marie's Crisis…
In other news, Chevy Chase will play the legless frog rolling into the restaurant.
But…that would mean Dane Cook would be involved.
My favorite line from Community: