I dunno. He never knew his war hero father, and Donk still could have kicked it during his formative years. That leaves skeptical Mary, grease-monkey Henry, and Barrow, who took a bullet in the hand to escape the war to shape his worldview.
I dunno. He never knew his war hero father, and Donk still could have kicked it during his formative years. That leaves skeptical Mary, grease-monkey Henry, and Barrow, who took a bullet in the hand to escape the war to shape his worldview.
Isobel/Violet charging the house and rescuing Dickie was positively Dickensian in its ballsiness. Also for the silly, mannered way in which Larry and his banshee simply scowled in defeat.
Tom could have used Henry's line "I'll never ask for another thing again, I swear."
Fellowes has said he is fond of happy endings, but the last couple of seasons were definitely Fellowes giving the fans what he thought they wanted by the shovelful. I didn't see Carson and Hughes becoming a couple in the literal sense. I enjoyed their implied marriage a lot more than their forced, conventional sitcom…
You skipped over some of my words, because I don't understand your point.
Tell that to Jared Leto.
Those women need to read up on Shakespeare and kabuki. For centuries, drag has been about way more than men dressing up as women for fun.
If only some cable systems would air Logo in HD. I still can't get a straight (no pun intended) answer from anyone as to why this still can't happen.
It's true that Ru wants every contestant to succeed/benefit as much as possible by virtue of being cast, as long as they tried while they were there. I can only think of one queen from all of the seasons (S6's Magnolia Crawford) who slipped by casting, and exited early claiming that she was only in it for the instant…
Can you imagine the freedom with which Fellowes would have written if the show had been only moderately popular? How many of these characters would still be sympathetic, or even alive, in season 6?
Maybe it was Stockard Channing's presence, but to me the opening felt Sorkinesque. Maybe because it steals more from the Marx Brothers than any sitcom trope. I was waiting for Toby and C.J. and Josh and Donna to ring next.
Yes all the critiques are spot on but I don't care I will continue watching the show over and over again so there lalalalalalalalalalalalaaaa…
We joke now…
I think Kurt covers that moment for Dave.
I really like The Goldbergs. It looks like another formula family sitcom but it really it has its own voice.
Y'know, when OUAT and Revenge debuted at the same time, I really thought that Revenge would be the one to last longer. I miss Emily/Amanda and Victoria and co.
That was ABC's plan all along. Start with basic fairy tales (many of whom happened to have Disney films made about them) but slowly stretch to include every Disney fantasy character possible. Synergy!
But they were able to force the issue by integrating Big Brother's Live Feeds into CBS All Access, which is huge for them online every summer. Also reeling in the Trek fans with the old shows and the new show. Moonves is olde and evil, but he's shrewd.
Nine’s songs just aren’t that good in the first place? You know nothing.