
CBS is making plenty of money off him. They didn't care that Letterman was #2 either, because he was still a major profit center.

That, and Donny Osmond was one sexy piece of teen flesh.

Texas had some prety good chefs, but the challenges were a lot simpler and sillier to cater to Texas tourist traps and campfire cuisine. The one really creative challenge was the Evil Queen meal with Charlize Theron who was plugging her Snow White movie at the time.


I was never comparing the messages of Trump and of Fury Road. I was simply mentioning two events that would lead to the apocalypse. And I'm getting the feeling that some took my first post to be that of an actual Trump fan, which, hello, I would rather slit a jugular.

Culkin was always on the fence as to whether he would become John Waters or Steve Buscemi. Buscemi wins!

Put it this way: in most reviews I've read, most of the other films on a reviewer's list receive thoughtful analyses and praise for the artistry of the projects. Then they get to Mad Max, which is their #1, and they spend a long paragraph trying to stretch an evaluation that amounts to little more than, "It was

I'm an anti-conspiracy nut, but I'm starting to believe there is a broad-based conspiracy on the part of some cinematic Illuminati to convince the world that Mad Max: Fury Road is the best film of the year. I'm sorry, but if Mad Max is the best film of the year, than it simply ensures a Trump victory next November,

After reading it, my brain changed it to "Until its final moments, "KSR" is shockingly low-key for a finale of any type."

I think that's always been the case. Even when Will was there, he was kind of a prick too. Makes me wish they had let the Florrick-Agos-Lockhart firm live a little longer before they played "spin the letterhead" once again.

"The greatest part about the case-of-the-week is that it doesn’t end in
David E. Kelley fashion: with Dr. Portnow actually enacting his KSR
fantasy on Lucy and Alicia learning a lesson about how Lucca was right
to call all people 'scum.'"

I'm so surprised how many people like Season 5. Did you start watching Buffy with that season?

Can't wait for New Year's Day when ABC Family changes its name to Suckee Suckee Five Dollah.

So is it official? All the cool startup names have been taken?

It was a hit because it sounded like it came from Phil Spector's Christmas album.

Bitch wud have to be contentified wit a tulip or lill-EYE, yo.

I'm ready for an all-gender-fluid Annie.

I'm shocked to keep reading in so many reviews how "surprising" it was that David Alan Grier could sing. He was a Yale Drama grad with a Tony nomination under his belt before he ever met anyone named Wayans. He was in Porgy & Bess on Broadway only a few years ago.

I usually think of Catch Me If You Can when this list comes up; Hanratty caught Abagnale on Christmas Eve in France, and then escapee Frank was apprehended during another Christmas in front of his mother's house. Plus the holiday phone calls…

Grayson, another one of the few chefs I liked from the Texas season, is returning for another shot this season. She's my automatic favorite going in.