
Fox News fans and senior citizens. They stay for the jabs at Hillary Clinton.

It's interesting that the lauded "Merchant Ivory" era and label really only consists of four films: Room With A View, Maurice, Howard's End, and Remains Of The Day. Technically, Mr. & Mrs. Bridge is a part of the chain as well thanks to Jhabvala's involvement, but nobody would think of it as such.

I can see the tagline on the ads for the CD collection:

Fun fact: You can buy an iPhone with food stamps if a) you take a drug test and b) you sign the Terms and Conditions which state you will lick the screen at least once a day.

Yes, that was my point. Back then what was considered "edgy" was just a tame tweak on the Carson-era status quo.

Letterman was eclectic in the sense that late night was still pretty traditional back then; Arsenio was the edgiest thing out there. And CBS wasn't an "edgy" network, and Dave's irony-infused humor had people wondering about the fit before he debuted. I remember all the chatter about 12:30 humor vs. 11:30 humor. (Of

It's definitely true that Colbert's format will undergo significant changes in the months ahead. The parts all work but there's no flow to the hour yet, it's choppy sailing from minute 1 to minute 60. Expect the intro to change; right now it's repetitive in that he runs out to his theme song, announces his guests

He knows that Colbert is his better, but Fallon will continue to win over the younger viewers, so he's sitting pretty. Colbert was a more eclectic choice for CBS, much like Letterman was, so I think they are prepared to remain #2 and still make a tidy profit off the show.

It's called losing your hair. It's what turns all screen idols into character actors.

With the risk of OVER-exposure now imminent, Broadway will be forced to find better shows to put on.

His swollen broken finger now weighs 50 pounds. Hard to get around.

Unlike the other channels, TBS doesn't pay for his makeup people to come along.

Did they ever find the spoon that they once had?

It's off the Tim album, which came out in 1985. I remember because I was working at the college paper at the time.

So it's like a St. Elsewhere-Roseanne finale mashup. Well played.

Clooney and Wyle appeared together, but not as their ER characters. They played doctors with different names who lived/worked in NY.

Ah, to go back to the good old days. I was a hardcore DC fan in my youth, and the 70's-era DC universe was the reason why. Batman was already dark and moody, but he was still Bruce Wayne and not yet on his second/third Robins. God bless Giordano and Neal Adams for taking Batman out of the Adam West era and making him

TGIF: The Happiest Graveyard.

Jimmy Mallow likes to spend his time off floating in a marsh of hot chocolate.

Your coworker's been Trumped, no doubt. That's his soundbite this week.