
This may give Jay Thomas some work, now that his Letterman Christmas Show Story gig is up.

Ah, Wendy Pepper. The Godmother of Resting Reality Bitchface and the "I'm not here to make friends" school of competition TV. Thanks for the memory.

"We lost Katya for this?" That could be the entire article.

I didn't think she was lying when she said "love you girl". If she was lying, then so were Pearl and Violet because they said the same thing.

I still don't get the massive Ginger backlash — to me, she's usually in the right whenever she's involved in a moment. Everything she and Kennedy were trying to tell Violet and Pearl are things that they are going to have to learn someday anyway. And it's not like they didn't know Ru was going to ask "the question" on

If only Dave still had that ugly truck he used to park in front of Carson's house. That would be a great thing to bring to Leno's car show to spook the fuck out of him.

That has to be happening at some point. It just has to.

But my schadenfreude kicks in with him in a way it didn't for Wolf. He's a miserable SOB.

Broadcast News. 24-hour cable news was still a fringe element, nobody had cellphones, and video in actual tape had to be edited by 6:30pm each night, after which everyone in the news division could go home. Also, all the characters quoted all those wonderful platitudes that you heard in journalism class about ethics,

Overseeing everyone on the production (not just the phoning actors), consulting on scripts, coordinating the production schedules for each episodes which happens in several countries, acting as liaison with the network and shareholders…he works 365 days a year in some capacity for the show.

Overseeing everyone on the production (not just the phoning actors), consulting on scripts, coordinating the production schedules for each episodes which happens in several countries, acting as liaison with the network and shareholders…he works 365 days a year in some capacity for the show.

Overseeing everyone on the production (not just the phoning actors), consulting on scripts, coordinating the production schedules for each episodes which happens in several countries, acting as liaison with the network and shareholders…he works 365 days a year in some capacity for the show.

Especially Nolan, who I think was taller than Grayson Mansion.

I'm sure that was a major reason — I was just observing/commenting on the patterns.

They are all given the songs at the beginning of each challenge so that they have ample time to come up with a lip sync. They can't choose the song when the time comes, so they have to make the best of it. Since the song isn't all that deep, Kennedy's approach seemed just as valid as Katya's to me. Ironically, I think

Here are Ru's twitter responses to all the hoopla around Katya going:

That would make sense, since Absolut isn't a name sponsor anymore. Jeffrey Moran is too much of a tightass.

Ru still insists that the final decision is hers to make, but you can tell over the last few seasons how she has let the internet be a factor in her final choice. Ever since season 4, she has held off on announcing the winner and held a combo reunion/finale show that is taped after the rest of the season airs. And

Off the top of my head, the only other time I can think of is when Carmen Carrera walked down and kissed Johnny Weir, but that was during the same season as Mimi's King King bit so maybe it doesn't count.

Yes, the number of men who had to wear lifts to play scenes with her was impressive. Especially Jack, who IMDb says is only 5'7". I do like 'em short, or at least, down to my size…