Damien Fenton

I hate when a really great show ends with a poor season or two. It happened to The X Files and now it has happened to The Good Wife. Those first 5 seasons featured some of the best writing and characters on TV and the plots were genueinly gripping. I don't know what caused the sharp drop in quality but I got the

Which is why I began that section of my comment with "For those who don't know".

Thanks for sharing your personal rule but I don't see how it is relevant to my comment. A majority of my comment is my speculation about Selina becoming president. Also, rather than expecting people to read Wikipedia articles about Yes, Minister and Armando Iannucci, I wrote a few sentences about them for people who

I wonder if "Veep" will follow the same pattern as "Yes, Minister" . For those who don't know, the creator of "Veep", Armando Iannucci, is heavily influenced by a similar 1980's British sitcom called "Yes, Minister" about an inept minister and his senior government officials. He considers it to be one of the greatest

The moment of Amy privately celebrating her promotion was actually really sweet. It is a side of Amy we almost never see. It also illustrates how disappointed she must have been when Dan got the job. I actually would like to see her succeed. Time will tell…