Damien Ba'al

Anybody who says “Blue Lives Matter” is literally a violent-loving racist piece of shit who supports police brutalizing and killing black people, period. Unfortunately I have seen quite a few “Blue Lives Matter” signs here in Shit Louis, Misery. Guaranteed that plenty of (racist) people will come out and loudly

Anti-abortion is an attempt by men to desperately control women. My sister gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. I don’t want kids, but I still want to have sex when I feel like starting that. Thank you TST.

I bet Satan is way more chill about kinky sex, too.

“nothing more than an obstacle acting upon a decision made with deference to deeply-held

I can join a religion and be an atheist. *boner*

May The Great Opponent bless them with success.

Nothing illustrates your approval better than a donation:

“For the purposes of this petition, an ‘unborn child’ that is not ‘viable’ is referred to as ‘Tissue’.”

I am seriously thinking of becoming a Satanist. I love these guys but I am not sure my mom could take it. Atheist was tough enough for her.

Sometimes it takes a Satanist to fight for your rights. Be thankful that they care.

If you’re interested in helping Mary’s legal effort, please consider donating to the campaign:

I donated to this last week.

But I mean, isn’t that the point?? To show that if you are going to prioritize “religious liberty” above all else, that it cuts both ways and isn’t Christian-centric? That you can’t cherry pick when it applies and when it doesn’t, and what laws it applies to and what laws it doesn’t? It shows that the people pushing

God bless the Satanic Temple.

This is honestly the most beautiful case of legal trolling that I have ever witnessed.

I was about to say ‘god’s work you’re doing, sir!’ but caught myself in time. ^^ Anyway, *I* bless you. Keep up the good work.

anyone else notice the bottle of “Monty Python’s Holy GrAil” behind him. this makes me happy.