
For over 100 years the state Missouri controlled Sr.Louis city PD. It was not until the city under our then  Mayor Slay (Dino) got their hands on it did it really start getting bad.

Correction for fumble thumbs and auto spell.

Be careful. If I recall correctly it is against the law to deface US currency, and while I can not recall ever hearing it being enforced, the whack job racist in the DOJ and white house just might do it this time. I mean the DOJ is pushing prosecution for someone who laughed at Sessions DOJ confirmation hearing, but

All White people did this? Or a few idiots?

And why do people still do business with them ?

I aways understood St. Nicholas was German, the modern day Santa was invented by Coca Cola, Jesus was a person from an old fable, and the Easter Bunny just kind of muscled his way in and took ever Easter.

I have a great idea. NBC, CBS or ABC starts a similar news magazine show like Kelly’s, maybe ever just replace Kelly with an unknown but talented and appealing relatively unknown journalist, and do hard hitting indepth unbiased​ news. I bet it would be much better received than continuously putting the same

Lets see if people can stand together for a real cause, or of a sports  game will win out over human rights.

If I recall correctly Trumps first wife said he read mein kampf, even keeping a copy on his bedside night stand. Maybe he considers the scouts his Brown Shirts?


I just do not understand the NRA ever since it became a full fledged GOP organization, and not just for gun owners rights. I had a lifetime membership, which I revoked in he early 80s as they were becoming less about safe, sensible gun ownership and rights, and just another GOP front.

I bet you can find 5000 people who said Obama was born in Kenya. Does not make it true

He has never been convicted or proven to have done anything. Only accusations have been made. I have no idea if he did anything wrong for sure, and find is a shame universities, businesses and the public are passing such hard judgement on someone who has yet to have been shown to be guilty. But sadly in the US,  all

Let me see if I understand this correctly. A woman goes into a store, and tarts making not so nice comments about one of the employees shirts. But when she gets an the same in return, she is so insulted she came back with 40 friends ?

I personally don’t care how any person wishes to dress, wear their hair, etc.. However, no matter who you are if your hair, hat, whatever will block the view for others while in a theater, movie cinema, classroom, etc.. Then it is a problem. Everyone is free to do what they wish, but they must be considerate others

Especially when most grammar Nazis troll social media to criticize others, while having nothing worthwhile to contribute to the conversation. First of all, expecting correct anything in social media is just ridiculous, and secondly, if you read post from grammar Nazis they are usually not grammatically correct

Hemingway, Jane Austin, Einstein, and many others were well known to be horrible spellers and very poor in the usage of proper grammar. I guess employers like this would have just wrote them off as incompetent idiots.

You do realize that Hemingway and Jane Austin, even Einstein were very poor at grammar, and spelling. Good thing publishers are not always so idiotic in their hiring practices. We would have missed out on some of the most amazing writers and minds in the history of mankind.