
He did say that there are a few good fans out there. I am sorry for your loss, I could not even imagine, but I don’t think he is talking about people like you. I think he is talking to the average pats fan, the bandwagoners, the elietests, and the people who refuse to accept the cheating tactics the pats seem so drawn

My dad passed away in 2015, and he was the first person I thought of when the Patriots won last night. I was with him in 2002 the first time they won, and though he was never the kind of person to be overly emotional or show his feelings, I got a huge hug that night. God he would have loved that game, and had all

Trump has already said and done far more vile things than Obama or Clinton could have imagined and people want to know whether or not Brady still supports his friend?

Or, you know, just utterly refuse to address it since he doesn’t owe it to you or anyone else to talk about it.

You’re forgetting the context. That happened well over a year ago when everyone and their mother thought Trump was in the primary for publicity. It’s not like the hat was in his locker room when the possibility of a Trump presidency was real. Shit, he was still in a 10+ person primary race.

I really don’t care about Brady and loathe Trump, but what exactly do you want from Brady? What’s the end game? Does he need to say he changed his mind? Do you want him to say that all this stuff is great? No matter his answer, what does it matter? Does he need to go door to door to apologize to every American?


Yet you demand Brady “spew” his because you want to criticize him.

Tom Brady doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. You’re a big boy too!