
If you read ten pages of Proust a day you can finish it in a year. Try harder.

UK residents can just buy the entire studio back catalogue (less'n the new one), remastered and in a lovely box with repro sleeves for £24.99 and render this entire article moot. Go on go on go on…

Filming ahead will cause major disruption to downtown area. Blame the Jews.

Russ Meyer
Filming behinds ahead. Also breasts.

Filming ahead behind. Investors be alarmed.

Filming involving
Tom Cruise exiting a taxi and entering a hospital. Road closure expected to last sixteen weeks. Warner Bros. accountants do not be alarmed.

Without realising, I accidentally turned my speakers off just at the point when Cage gets into his hallucination. Herzog you genius I thought, a freakly lizard meltdown in absolute silence, fantastic. I was disappointed to discover the standard blues music that actually accompanies it. I reckon Werner missed a trick