
At that point, you shouldn’t have joined if you can’t accept the rules...

Because Jesus taught more than just be nice to people. What Jesus taught touches all aspects of life and his apostles taught sexuality. Accepting part of the Jesus’ teachings and not others does not a good Christian make...

THANK YOU! I’m sharing this now.

Well of course. Imagine if it didn’t ask for permission. You wouldn’t say OK then...

The battery issue isn’t shady. They had nothing to gain from this. It was an accidental catastrophe, but it couldn’t have been planned.

True, it works. And that’s what makes it boring. Each year, every new feature or look is exciting and this year, as is with nearly every S model, the fanfare is gone in a day or two. If course, this is the nature of phones now, but the fact that one of the leaders is even failing to hold the public eye anymore for too

The fact that you take so much time out of your day to bash someone speaks for your character


Many company does it. Movies have trailers, books have excerpts, car companies have commercials... Google isn't releasing this to the General consuming public. It's for Devs. And so is this post. For people interested in the latest, bleeding edge, raw features.

Yeah, He's not a fry chef. Let him make his burgers how he wants. Thanks for the suggestion, Walter