Mr. Damage

Musk has been tricked, successfully.  He moved Tesla into the mouth of the oil dragon, and now that oil dragon is going to bite and chew.

There’s kind of a nihilism to this, they know fully well that its inevitably going to lead to disaster they just don’t care

You described both social media and the post-1964 GOP in a nutshell.

“This is blatant corruption and insider trading. Yet the SEC won’t do shit about this,”

My mother has advanced degrees in Engineering...might need to re-think your statement!

You’re gonna pay around double for a dumb TV, and they lack a lot of other features that come standard on TVs now. That Samsung and Sceptre you linked don’t have HDR, for example. The ad revenue subsidizes the cost of the smart TV.

I believe him on this one. I’m sure he’s sufficiently stupid to not know the term “burner phone”. I’m also sure he used them, and I’m sure he didn’t get that hole in one. 

“We tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.”

If those videos I’ve seen online are true, that’s pretty insane that a plane would drop vertically like this from the sky. That must have been a terrible catastrophic failure of some sort

The National Russian Alliance!

more like “more budget friendly.” It’s always tricky with business laptops because they’re often sold in bulk to companies at much lower per-unit prices than what we see as individual consumers. 

Not quite sure where that info was “reported” but wastewater collection data is (and always was) readily available via the collection plants themselves.

Well I was obviously pointing to an outlandish example. But they still get a lot of protections. You could replace “KKK” with random neo nazi group. Or even a “keep marriage traditional” type group.

The KKK is a hate organization who do not receive legal protections under the law. LGBTQ are a historically discriminated-against minority who need legal protections to make sure that people do not do this shit to them.

Bragging rights.

People that fell for NFTs also fell for a phishing attack? Shocking.

It’s almost as if the GOP designed a system that only gets them elected and only works for them...

It’s also worth noting that some of the USPS’ financial woes were inflicted by Republicans in Congress with the PAEA in 2006, which requires the USPS to prefund medical benefits 75 years into the future; something other companies are NOT required to do:

J is the least used letter in Wordle words so you are kind of wasting a guess there.

I find OUIJA as a first does a good job of getting the vowels sorted or ruled out, but it’s left me with some difficulty isolating consonants on subsequent guesses.