Actually, I get my roadside assistance as part of my insurance. Which makes it a pretty nifty deal!
Actually, I get my roadside assistance as part of my insurance. Which makes it a pretty nifty deal!
This song is my end of the world song. One of my favorite pieces, but just... you know? You expect this kind of thing to be playing all over as the annihilation of the civilization is at hand.
Thanks a lot, Shep McAllister, Commerce Team. Now I got that stupid song stuck in my head for the 2nd year in a row.
Thanks a lot, Shep McAllister, Commerce Team. Now I got that stupid song stuck in my head for the 2nd year in a row.
US GSM Edition supports HSPA+ (H+) on T-Mobile. Global GSM Edition does not.
US GSM Edition supports HSPA+ (H+) on T-Mobile. Global GSM Edition does not.
Only problem is that you can't expand the memory on it, so you're stuck with about 5GB of actual usable space.
Only problem is that you can't expand the memory on it, so you're stuck with about 5GB of actual usable space.
You get HSPA+ with T-Mobile for US GSM Edition.
You get HSPA+ with T-Mobile for US GSM Edition.
Try a bit of melatonin? It is natural to a degree and it does help me to sleep from time to time.
Just so slightly better than St. Louis in recent years.
Dear Rams,
I'm using my NookHD+ for viewing WWE and Netflix. The Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 is my main workhorse, however. It gets games, some reddit, remote login to restart things here and there, and more or less a doitall type of machine than my Phone or iPad/NookHD+.
Don't forget multiple re-encodes. While it's rare to see such files these days, you may encounter something that's really crappy if it's been encoded multiple times.
Nyquil Nature Fusion Cold & Flu Nighttime Relief ($5) | Staples
I'm going to assume you've had experience in the matter, yes?
Nope, didn't need a boot disk for XWing or Tie Fighter. However, I did need one for Ultima VII/Serpent Isle. For those games, you could load up HIMEM.SYS but not the EMM386.EXE.
Not only that, you can even reroute the useless Ion Cannon power to the shields!
Adding to your jinx anxiety!
Any videographer that's worth his salt.
Chicken Breast Patties weith Pure Beef Patty Special Sauce and Bacon Too~~
Was it dead?