Mr. Damage

Hello there Lego Miniset released in spring!

Vegemite/Marmite for vegetarians that you may need to consider on that off chance.


OK. Maybe Daikokuya? Or Tatsu? Or Takara perhaps. Something thick and hearty.

Skeptical Chihuahua wants Taco Bell?

Fact: Iced Coffee + Sugar Free Hazelnut Syrups + Fizz = Remarkably Caffeninated Guiness Substitute.

I'd rather have a cappuccino or macchiato breve. Essentially the same deal when it's absorbed in your body minus the MCT oil and helluva lot tastier.

$0.99 at most $0.99 cent stores from time to time.

Well, duh~ would be my first reaction. After all, RAID 0 has been used in the past for this kind of antics in the past with mechanical HDDs.

To sum it up, VGA <->DVI-A (A for Analog)

Apple products uses mini-DisplayPort. Add additional data lanes to it and you have Thunderbolt, which is now being included in quite a bit of laptops these days.

That kinda looks like the Superlux 681 that's been making the rounds quite a bit the last few years.

Shurely I must have seen what you did there.

Except, wouldn't this be limited to whatever the old bluetooth headset you've decided to cannibalize for this project? So you'd essentially be limited to mono at 11 or 22kHz if that? Along with whatever profile the old headset decided it was good for, ie voice profile?

Probably better to use FAT32 than exFAT.

Cute AND delicious!

I don't see an XLR/M to TRS Cable. Therefore, automagic fail....

Well then, eat one and starve the rest of the day, I say!

Have ONE chicken bake for lunch and dinner. One for two meals. Tha's right.

I was going to say the new version of Podcast and iTunes will help you control the amounts of podcast stored on device and automagically prunes them, but ahwell