
I thought this episode was excellent. In Cole's POV, he tells Luisa to cancel the cake. Alison shows up with hers and Cole chooses to cover for Luisa, calling it a mix up. Cole and Luisa argue toward the end of his POV and she walks out the door with the cake… Then in Alison's POV we get that brutal confrontation

Noah is irresistible to women… in Noah's POV. It's important not to forget that the show's reality is heavily influenced by whose POV we're watching. Noah's fear and ego, real or imagined is in the mind of the man.

I'd recommend tracking down the original Swedish version of the series. It's excellent, and they're planning a final season for 2017.

"By the time Mobley leaves his mysterious package in the bike messenger’s bag, it’s all come undone."

I think "Joe MacMillan addiction" is a bit strong. He was in five minutes of the first episode, total. Shouldn't we see a little of what's going on with him?

"While Agent Aderholt is out to dinner with Martha (which may or may not be related to her apartment being raided by Stan)"

"While Agent Aderholt is out to dinner with Martha (which may or may not be related to her apartment being raided by Stan)"

Small correction: