
Stock buybacks were ILLEGAL until Reagan changed the rule (shocking). They were illegal for a good reason..

I generally go find a re-cap of the season on YouTube..  I found thats the best way.  Although something like Masters of the Air, I just had to re-watch.  

My feeble memory doesnt remember the first season.. Guess I know what i’m doing now. Thats the issue with these long breaks, atleast for me.. I have the memory of a park squirrel.  Oh well, HBO gets more streams from me I guess. :) 

No, its all good info.. You sound like you have had some good experiences, and if it works for you, hell yeh go with it.. If we ever do decide to give it a try, it would be without kids, although we have talked about doing a cruise up around Alaska.  To be honest tho, the wife and I are warm weather beach people, so

What you said is fair, and its in-line with the other person that responded about not having kids. If I didnt have kids, I -May- be more open to it, but personally I dont like crowds and its the last thing I want to deal with on a vacation. We stopped going to Atlantis (Bahamas) because the crowds go to be so much

Good feedback. I do have kids, and I was a kid when I went on a cruise so that may have skewed my opinion. For me, with kids, it would be a total non starter to deal with lines. When I go on vacation, I will actively pay more to avoid lines.. If i’m taking the time off from work, and spending the money to fly

I didnt have a choice. :). Parents took me.. Married with kids now, and we have no want to go on a cruise. I’m open to understanding better tho, maybe i’m missing something.. but anyone I know that has been on a cruise has not had a great experience. Some family friends of ours went on one (pre-covid), kid got the

Honest question to people who take Cruises on these things.. Why? I’ve done one cruise in my life so I dont have a lot to compare it to, but the one cruise I was on (Royal Caribbean) was horrible. Small rooms, LOTS of people, lines for everything, shitty food.. Did I just have a really bad experience?  I look at this

Hah, yeh I guess thats true..  But in the same way we can fling a Tesla out into space..  Sure, it left orbit, where its going..  yeh, not important. :). 

How embarrassing for the Russians.. First country to put a man in space, and 60 years later they can’t even break LEO. Meanwhile the country they “beat” is flying a Helicopter around Mars scouting locations for a a nuclear powered rover the size of a car, while another one is wandering around the other side of the

I don’t really get the iPad anymore.. Maybe its just me. Before the iPhone became more powerful, with a larger screen, sure.. but now? I have a iPad (2015 model?) that I still use for a few things, but I wouldnt buy a new one. My kids occasionally use one for a trip to watch movies or something, but my 16 year old son

Nah, if it was going someplace interesting sure.. but to the moon? Any science it did was not going to be of any wild value (its all valuable, but to degrees). The world is better off with a weaker Russia, and a successful space program is not in the worlds best interest for Russia.  Best to keep them earth bound and

They had a lawful warrant. We don’t get to decide which laws we follow or don’t follow. If a cop shows up at your house with a warrant, and you say “Nah, I disagree with the judge here..” guess what? The cop is going to come in anyway. The only reason Twitter was able to get away with this, while you can’t, is because

We should all pause for a minute to appreciate that we are still discovering so many species that we can name them after movie stars..  thats crazy.  

One thing I am fairly certain of - Car Manufacturers can’t make a decent UI by and large. I have a Nissan and a Acura.. the Acura is newer (2022) but the UI is just trash. Hard to learn, hard to use while moving, etc.. I can see what they were trying to accomplish, but it seems like something that was built by someone

Musk has a particular idea of what Free Speech is, and so far I have not heard him come close to articulate it correctly..  Agreed, he aligns himself politically with Trump AND thinks he is some bastion of free speech at the same time.  All he is, is a dope that somehow lost tens of billions of dollars to buy a

It’s not that.. I think most people know its real. Even people who deny it, and say its not man made.. I think they really know, but have been saying it for so long they cant change now.

We also do stupid shit with our crops which can be stopped if necessary. 40%+ of all Corn grown for instance is used to make Ethanol. 300k+ Acres in California are used to grow Pistachios. While I personaly like Pistachios, if need be that land could be converted to something more useful. There are dozens of examples

Well reasoned.. I’d argue that ‘Grail was very good, better then I think most give credit for and an argument could be made that its better than Raiders. Crystal Skull, while a trainwreck, has actually grown on me a bit over the years. Shia destroys that movie, but the more I watch it, the more I kinda like it. This

At the rate Artemis is going, we will be lucky to just get humans on the moon by then, forget about mining it.