I really doubt that, and you sound a bit foolish saying “I wont consume this shit if I cant consume shit the way I want to consume shit”. If its shit, why are you still consuming it?
I really doubt that, and you sound a bit foolish saying “I wont consume this shit if I cant consume shit the way I want to consume shit”. If its shit, why are you still consuming it?
I’d argue the Unavoidable and Unneccsary piece. This can all be done with CGI at this point. There is zero reason to have even a prop gun shooting at this point. The issue is its cheaper to do it with a prop gun then CGI.. So, save a few dollars, and this is part of the risk that happens..
I wouldnt hold your breath.. it’s simply not in our DNA.
Yeh, depends I think.. First order of precedence is the Rich/Popularity.. doesn’t matter color of skin, then it goes to probably racisim.. We see it all the time.. “White Girl Missing” vs “Black Girl Missing” will generally elicit a totally different response..
Therein lies the problem.. These guys are famous, spent mountains of cash for a wildly dangerous tourist visit to a spot that is one of the hardest places to get to on the planet, and now we are spending resources to rescue them. Okay, sure, humanity, etc, we try to rescue.. How about rescuing the dozen guys I passed…
For their sake I hope it imploded, they wouldnt have even known it was happening. Just lights out.. Although waking up this morning to reported ‘Banging’ sounds is pretty horrible.
I get all that, but some things are just insane, and i’m willing to dedicate resources for just about any rescue mission.. However, in this case, its so insanely dangerous what they were doing, for no reason other then to see a ship wreck, that it’s hard to say we should be doing insane things to rescue them.
So is feeding the homeless, providing medical care, etc, etc.. I realize we can do two things at once, but seemingly our priorties are not correct. Lets solve the other things first, and then we can go set aside money to rescue billionaires that do stupid shit.
Here is a better question - Why are we sending anything at all? 5 people, 3 of them billionaires decided to do something insanely stupid and now we will spend millions of dollars looking for them, and risking other peoples lives. It sucks, but we shouldnt be financing the rescue of people that do insanely dumb shit…
Nobody twisted your arm to create an account and post on Reddit.
Again, a business decision.. I can assure you that if it wasn’t discussed before they announced changes to the API pricing, then it certainly was during this “blackout”. They have done the calculation on this, im sure of it.. Time will tell if it was the right decision.
Reddit is a business - they are making a business decision. They owe NO ONE anything other than their investors.
I’m sure im in the minority here, but fuck the mod’s. Most of them from my experience on the larger sub’s are condescending dickheads. If you dont want to do the job, then dont do it.. its volunteer work, no one is forcing you to do it. Reddit exists to make money - they are a company, if you are willing to volunteer…
A few things.. the Star Wars shows dont seem to have a problem kicking out tons of shows with great CGI over an over, almost on a continual basis. Granted, different shows, but this seems to be a function of money and not capability. I totally get HBO priortizing profits over speed to deliver a product.
Even before the strike they were talking 2025.. 2 years.. I’m sure the Strike will push things back, but lets not pretend that’s the only issue.
Not sure why they have over complicated the Terminator stories so much.. the solution isnt hard, and its what fans have been asking for since T2.
2-3 years between seasons for a TV show is ridiculous, no matter how HBO spins it. I get its a complicated show, but come on.. One of reasons I tend not to watch big set piece shows like this on HBO. I still havent watched Westworld because of it, and I only watched GoT after there was like 3 or 4 seasons..
Yeh, been trying not to use alternative means as im lazy.
Is this going to be on Network TV? First season was great, but I dont need another streaming service..
Oy.. even less reason to have it. Having said that, ill reserve judgement till I see it.