
Sister in law died of this..  She was diagnosed when she was 37.  Don’t ignore your body when you are pooping funny.  

This..  I thik he went into the debate last night with the idea to win over new voters (As, why wouldnt he..) but that lasted all of about 5 seconds.  It was clear as day after the first few seconds whatever Trumps handlers told him, he just clearly ignored.  He was playing to his base which wont get him new voters,

Baja Chicken Gorditia.  That is all.  Wtf were they thinking when they took that away..  Bunch of bullshit.  

I’m skeptical Starship will be approved for NASA Astronauts before 2025, if not 2030..  Dragon will be around for awhile.  Not saying I agree, but given how long it took to get to Dragon, which is simplistic compared to Starship I cant see it happening very fast.  On top of that, there is no capability to abort a

People need to ditinguish between Function and Organization. The organizaton should be abolished IMHO, but the function should remain. We have given the organization plenty of time to fix the issues that are cleary systemic to the system, and they have failed. Some things you just can’t fix.

Makes total sense to me.  

You apparently know more then I do.. What I will say is she has done a HELL of a lot better job advertising then that other dude, which tells me she certainly knows how to play the politics game, which Mitch is a master at.

I don’t live in Kentucky. I almost NEVER contribute to political campaigns. I donated to Amy McGrath who is running against Mitch this fall. I know if the Republicans retain control of the Senate and Mitch loses some other Trump shill will just take his place as speaker, however it will atleast make me feel better

Fair enough, i’m overly sensitive as I have been told how evil I am in the past, how I have no morals, and that I need some omnipotent being to guide me.  Generally the same people that say that to me are the most racist greedy self absorbed people I know.  It ruffles some feathers for sure..  

You are repeating a talking point that people the religious nuts use to defend their brand of cultism. You may not have meant it like that, but its a very common talking point and it’s disparaging to people of non-faith. The way it is used is to put people down who dont have faith. It generally goes something like

How about the fact that the institutions that brought us the dark age and are largely anti-science are now using technology to keep spreading there “word”.  We should tell them to stick to churches and let them congregate all they want.. maybe thin the herd a bit so the rest of society can move on.  

Why do you think you need “Religion” to do that? Lots of charities out there that have nothing to do with religion at all. If Religion disappeared tomorrow it doesn’t mean that over night we would all become self absorbed assholes, it just means we wouldn’t look to a fairy tale to tell us to be good to people and do

I’m not sure you are fully appreciating what it happening here. Or maybe you are, and are just being spiteful. Small Business is the lifeblood of this country - if they go, we are in some serious shit, and every day that is looking more and more likely. If my “donation” can help them stay afloat, it’s worth it. If it

We are all in this together, support the dam restaurants.  If your gift card is worthless so be it.  I just got a $100 GC today from my favorite Burrito place.  I have no idea if they will be open in 2 months.

I’m assuming this model gets old quick for people. IE, most people go once, pay for a lot of other people, and likely dont go back or make it part of there eating rotation. Essentially a interesting thing to do once, but not continually. Out of curiosity, do you know if that place is still going?

Just checked their menu.. only thing I see is Cheesy Gordita Crunch.  Next time I go, i’m going to ask for a #6 but with Gorditas and see what they do.  I fregin hate the Fried Chalupa.  

They can barely make my order right to begin with..  Not sure I want to take that risk. :)

I literally lived off of those things in College. I still remember the day I tried to order it and they said “We dont have Baja anymore..”... A small part of me died inside.

That was it.. I was trying to remember the name of the sauce.  Baja sauce.  I used to order the #6 with Chicken and Baja..  Fuckers.  

Gorditas were better.  I hate the crispy shell of the Chalupa.  Bring back the Gordita.