
Why do you say they will be useless against Anti-Ship missiles?  Thats one of the primary use cases for them.  

Lets not pretend Splinter wasn’t a god awful mess of wackos and communists. :)  If you didnt have a poster of Mao on your wall, and the national Anthem of the USSR on your play list, you were a Trump lover.  Was impossible to have  any sort of reasonable conversation with anyone on that site.  

Truer words have never been spoken.  Half of me wants him to do that so we can get something done.. the other half wants to just see him burn.  

I think today was the nail in the coffin for him. I’d be surprised if he makes it to next week. Hes way to much of a liability now, and quite frankly could be a easy fall guy now for Trump. I dont think it would work, but hes most definitely not helping him now.

Perhaps if they did we wouldnt have a psychopath for a President.  

I agree with Trump.  Hes right.  Those self serving bastards didnt help in the Civil war either, and if they were there at Bunker Hill I think we could have won that one.  When will the madness end?  

Yep, Cash and Carry, as well as we were escorting ships and fighting uboats in the Atlantic well before a formal deceleration of war. One of the reasons Hitler declared war on the U.S. was so he could feel free to openly attack U.S. ships that were already aiding the Allies. He was already in a defacto state of War

Whats the going date for Rudy being fired?  I actually thought Trump would have gotten rid of him by now with his typical “He did small things for me.. I barely knew him.  I never talked to him.”

He will soon just be tweeting “Am Not, you are the poopy head!”.  

I think thats what a lot of people miss. They think its a Either/Or. Granted, I dont know alot about the plans, but my parents are on Medicare and also pay for some sort of supplemental insurance. They are well off and can afford to do so, but at the very least they would have Medicare regardless of there financial

They know it’s bullshit. We make fun of Trump, Rudy, Pompeo, and yeh, they may not be the smartest people in the world, but I dont think they are entirely dumb. All they need to do is kick some bullshit up and keep the “idea” that “this could have maybe possibly” happened and they keep the story alive. They have

My wife often asks me why people stick with Trump even tho they know the truth, and the day of reckoning is coming.  The answer is very simple.  Why did Goebbels stick with Hitler to the end?  Why did Baghdad Bob stick it out?  Once you are so invested in something there comes a point of no turning back, and you are

I dont subscribe to everything on the left.  I’m not advocating anything that any other liberal president wouldnt have done.  

Thats a cynical view of things. Proof meaning proof to the world, not to Trumps base. Big difference.. Something that can atleast be independently verified by our allies. Some countries (Russia) will never believe anything for political reasons, but others like France/Germany are more willing to call out B.S. and be

Lol..  Not everything is black and white, and sometimes I totally disagree with people on the left, as well as the right.  But whatever...  Trump put us in this situation with his stupidity, Iran escalated it, fact of the matter is we are where we are - and Iran should feel the consequences of their actions.  

I’m pretty left, but this is getting out of control. If the administration can provide proof of Irans culpability then at this point I think Military action needs to be taken.

Oil is a global commodity, it’s not like the U.S. Goverment owns the oil companies in the U.S. and can dicate the price. Just because we have the oil, doesnt mean we control the global price of it. So, if SA drops it’s production and there is less oil on the market, the price for Gasoline in the U.S. will go up -

Hah, I didnt realize they didnt even release it in China after all of that.

I dont think that was a rumor.. I think thats fact actually.  Wouldnt have saved how bad that movie was, but it would have made it atleast watchable. :)  

Not if you’re Hollywood and understand how economics work.. If you’re Trump, and have the IQ of a peach pit, then sure..