
China would make a good bad guy, they actually would be perfect for it..  One small problem tho, they are the biggest consumers of our mass media. :)  

I’m fairly certain when he loses in 2020, the entire GOP will turn on him and all of the sudden we will have a lot of Republicans that were “Secretly working against him”. These guys are vultures, and once Trump is out of office and people aren’t scared to start talking about what really was going on (what we pretty

Lotsa Atheists on this site.. :)  

Well, I should have said “Should be treated as Nonsense”, unfortunately to many people treat it as fact.. My point was, her ideas are no more insane then what is peddled in thousands of churches on a daily basis.  If we are going to make fun of her for this nonsense, then we should be making fun of people who douse

This is no more crazy then Noahs Ark, Jesus, Virgin Birth, Garden of Eden, whatever..  It should be treated the same as any church rhetoric is treated, as nonsense.  

Testing the bounds of what he can get away with. Everyday erode the freedoms and laws we have in place a bit more.. The next step could be no birth right citizenship to anyone that was naturalized, even if they are living in the U.S. In the grand scheme of things its a small thing, a building block on this proposed

Yep..  I have a son playing and a daughter playing.  What I will say is that having a girl learn how to pitch (windmill) is very hard.  Much harder then teaching a boy how to pitch.  

I can assure you, I am older then 36..  I distinctly remember Jimmy Carter. :)  

Agreed..  My point was that at some point he had some sort of training, and wasnt just some dude that pitched in Little League. :)  

It’s impressive, no doubt, but i’m guessing that he was a pitcher in College. Whats really impressive is that he is 36 and doing this in the MLB.  No offense to old people (I am significantly older then 36). :)

Thats a load of horseshit. I’m under 50 and support him. Some of us want stability above all else. I have kids, mortgage, etc to worry about.. I dont need the Cheeto causing tons of instability in the nation anymore then I need Bernie going off on some half cocked idea of giving the treasury away with social programs

I have no idea if that is true or not, but i’ll take your word for it.

Came here to say this.  You not only beat me to it, you said it 10x better then I could have.  Nicely done random internet person.  

I had a opposing Manager try that (pull the team off the field). IMHO, if a ump sees that, he should immediately eject the manager then ask one of the assistant coaches what they want to do.

Yep, I know a few that played Minor league ball, and even more that played D1 Ball. They were there for the fun of it, and not driving the kids crazy. I played through HS, and more or less sucked.. One of my kids is OK, and another is really good. Neither is going to play in College, let alone professionally. At a

I’ve been coaching/managing for 6 years.. christ, maybe more. Usually when things get this bad, its not one event that set it off, and it’s likely the umps call was just the tipping point. Poor kid was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some coaches are truly horrible people, people that shouldnt be allowed

Perhaps you should.  It doesnt help.  

Yeh, who knows..  If he attacks them, it will lead to a major escalation that he wont be able to control.  The Iranians will effectively shut the straight, and Oil prices will sky rocket.  That hits our economy, which is the only thing keeping him propped up right now.  Not sure he risks that..  

Thats it.. Keep saying stupid shit like that.  Thats how you get the next republican president. 

Hah, good point.. On this particular one tho, he has stayed true to his word.. so far.