
Surprisingly enough, this has been the one thing that he has more or less stuck to and did what he said he would do. He does have the attention span of a goldfish though, so who knows what will happen tomorrow..

I may be in the minority here, but I dont think Trump actually wants a war with any ME country. He has been pretty clear that he doesnt want the U.S. involved in any more ME wars. He’s tried to unilaterally pull out of Syria, and Afghanistan (or atleast wildly cut the number of troops there). The only nation he has

Everything kills you.  You are in a constant state of decay..  Go with it.  


I did this once when I was cutting the security line at Philadelphia Airport.  It works.  Then again..  it was people from Philly. 

You underestimate him. He will certainly give a “Concession Speech” that basically says the fix was in by the “Deep State” and that the Democrats stole the election with massive voter fraud - while offering zero proof. He will do this with total disregard for the massive amount of damage that will do to our democracy

I feel for you. Seriously - You should seriously start looking a bit into what the problem may be. You get the award for the most ridiculous thing I have seen on the Internet this week.

Seriously? I mean, really, seriously? Putting aside all politcs, you would vote for someone with Dementia? You realize you would be actively trying to get someone elected that didnt have the mental capacity to do the most important job on the planet, and your life may very well depend on him/her?

I honestly dont know why anyone is shocked here. If they make this illegal, and the woman has an abortion - she committed a crime, which generally comes with a punishment. This dude shouldn’t be backing off his comment, as it makes no sense to back off it..

Unless the Democrats do something stupid like nominate Bernie Sanders. All the D’s need to do is stick to a electable person, and they should win. The majority of the party is starting to realize that, as is the electorate.. which is why Biden is trouncing Sanders in the poll numbers, albeit it’s still early.

It’s not that the majority doesnt want to impeach, it’s that a large portion of the country knows that plays into his hands. I’d like to see Trump in Jail, but I also know that impeaching him only helps his cause. Zero chance the Senate would convict him, and then he can say “I fought a witch hunt of impeachment and

Like a frog in boiling water, I doubt most people will notice. Importers will take a margin loss, sellers in the U.S. will take a margin loss, and consumers will pay more. It will happen gradually, and at the end of the day i’m not sure how many people will notice at first at 2-4% increase, and then another slight

Majority Asian on the flight (obviously), they didnt seem to care. They also have zero respect for personal space, which I think is also a culture thing. As an American, if you break a 2 foot bubble around me, I get pissed off.. These guys were practically sitting on me and walking on top of me.

Counterpoint, when I just drank 10 beers in the Terminal to force myself to sleep on the plane, I can’t wait for 30 minutes in line to take off.  

Crazy, I came here to post something about this. I was recently in Singapore flying to Hong Kong on Cathy Air. I shit you not, the Captain gets on and says “Were running a bit late, were going to Taxi back and get going”. Literally half the plane is still up and about. We then start our TAKE OFF run with maybe 1/4 of

How Fallon or Kimmel got a job in those time slots is beyond me.  I cringe when I watch them..  Colbert is good tho, and the only one of the 3 that deserve to have that time slot.  

I certainly have a lot of those.  

Just about every large company has donated to something that I am wildly against. Boycotting them all would lead me to living in a shack.

Trump knows the only way to win in 2020 is -

Hey now.. as a big dead head, and foo fighters fan I... shit, okay I agree.