Sorry for the delay, traveling for work..
Sorry for the delay, traveling for work..
Well said - Have two kids who are well beyond child seats (sometimes I wish I could stick them in one - trust me). While I dont discounts SIDS, or things like that, my guess is that in the vast majority of cases its either incompetent parents, or just straight up murder (either by wilful neglect or worse). Kids are…
Thats such bullshit.. The left doesnt hate the United States. Stop with the hyperbole of the right. One can criticize ones government without hating the country, its what makes us who we are. Or are you one of these people that think the Obamas “Hated” the United States? Get a grip.
Okay.. Sure, we got Regime change.. Great? We killed hundreds of thousands of people doing it, and made Iraq part of Irans sphere of influence. We made life miserable for the average Iraqi, and created a massive terrorist group that enslaved multiple countries and millions of people. All while getting nearly 5000…
Horse shit. You know why? Because if anyone thought they were serious, Israel would have destroyed them already. Israel can MORE then defend themselves, they dont need us to do it for them. The Mullahs are not going to sacrifice themselves to destroy Israel, they simply wont. How many times have we said similar…
I have often heard this repeated - Iran may say stupid things (as we do as well), but attempting to Nuke Tel Aviv is not something I see them doing. They may hate Israel, but I can guarantee they have no death wish. Humans are Humans, and i’m pretty confident that they dont want to die - which they assuredly would…
Russia didnt blink, they got concessions from us (Missiles in Turkey gone) and a promise not to invade Cuba. Thats irrelevant to this discussion though.
Specifically moving carriers off the coast of a country due to a “threat” is more then just sanctions, same with bombers. We wouldn’t like it much if Russia or China was calling for Regime change and putting a massive military force in Canada or Mexico, would we?
Of course the goal is Regime Change, however, we should weigh that very carefully. It generally doesn’t work out so well. While the Iranians may be a proud people with a recent history of overthrowing tyrants, we should let THEM do it, and not us. It’s their country. Attacking them, and hurting their economy will…
Idiot.. it was one of the ones that Moses dropped.
I dont disagree with anything you said, but I still dont see what the goal is. Is it Regime change? Destruction of Irans Military? Peace between Shite and Sunni? I find it highly unlikely that Iran is going to change it’s ways in terms of interaction with its neighbors base on sanctions and us sailing some ships…
I wont disagree that its having an effect.. What escapes me is what the end goal is. No more JCPOA, more sanctions.. Okay, then what? We aren’t going to invade, and a overt attack on Iran is probably not going to happen either.
John McCain ran a terrible campaign.. a better way to say it would have been McCain lost to Obama, then Obama had a “Crushing” victory. He had my vote until he picked Palin, and lost me, and just about everyone I know.
Ironic coming from a state the Seceded and actively fought against the National Anthem for 4 years.
You obviously didnt read all my comments. I’m sure your loved one is innocent tho.. just like everyone else in his cell block.
Perhaps you should look into whos in ADX Florence.
No need to get nasty..
The Electoral college is what elects people tho, it may suck, but those are the rules we are bound to play in.
And why I doubt he can win. Hillary wasnt anywhere near as brutal as Trump is, and she beat Sanders. Trump is going to rip him to shreds and make him look like a dope. IMHO - Running Sanders against Trump is a sure fire way to lose..