
Er...I think you might have misunderstood the comment. I think Jane was saying that he had issues because he hated people of other ethnicities than white, and yet he himself was biracial. I don't think Jane was saying that biracial people all have issues.

I think it's pretty obvious that the only person Donald Sterling has to blame for his ruin is himself. He could have amicably divorced his wife and taken up with any girl of his choosing, but instead he tried to have his cake and eat it too. I don't feel sorry for him, his wife or that obvious opportunist who

Child support is not about determining how much money it takes to raise a child to 18. Child support is about maintaining a child at the level of support they'd have if the divorce had not taken place. It is mandated by laws that set a percentage of the parties' income according to how many children there are. So

He has two kids. So, private schooling, housing in a good neighborhood, etc can almost add up to 20k, if you also add in alimony.

Chris Rock said it best: "Stop bragging about shit that everybody else does on a daily basis". "I ain't never been to jail......you aren't supposed to go to jail!". "I take care of my kids......you're supposed to take care of your kids". "Sit your ass down, fool".

I certainly think men want the extra credit for being not-assholes. They will not find it here.

Oh, Kevin. I think the time has more than come for you to be gently helped off the Twitter. Go work on your next script now, or something.

Why do we praise men and women who brag about paying child support or that they go "above and beyond what the court orders"?

I'm calling straight up bullshit on your understanding of what click-bait actually is.

Some people just don't know how to cook it, that's all. Macklemore, however, seems to reject all marinades.

Hey now, let's not insult tofu. It can be really yummy.

Oh lord - "random costume"? He is one step away from playing the "you're the racist for seeing this as racist!" card.

In Macklemore's defence, he is an idiot.

It's about colorism, a fun offshoot of white supremacy. Particularly onerous in this case because Nina's skin color and features were things that affected her life greatly, so hiring a lighter actress with less African features and then using Blacker Face as well as a wider nose is a slap in the face to the truth of

Context, context, context, context...

This movie has more problems than Zoe. The family is upset because the move is glorified fan fiction. They are making Nina'a white male caregiver her lover. He was never her lover and is in fact a gay man. This movie is not endorsed at all by Nina's family.

Miscast dead lady biopics are not doing well this year. I blame Lindsay Lohan for starting this.

A light skinned actress...playing a dark skinned musician who was ridiculed for being dark skinned....

But I thought Hollywood only chose actors that are best for the job? The fact that most successful actors and actresses are white is just a coincidence. If minorities were better at acting there would be more of them, right? Right?

I don't hear a lot of people on here praising her. But I'm with you. I hate that she's trying to appeal to both black audiences and racist white audiences. She once said that since we have a black president now, there's no need for her to complain about being a black actress in Hollywood. THEN, in response to the