
I feel like Black women, or hell WoC, are forced to be perfect, if you get me. Because, quite frankly, we aren't allowed to not be. If we are, it's further proof of some inherent inferiority of our respective groups. There's a reason why people tell their kids not to do certain things because "White folks might see

I think its hilaaaaaaaaaaarious how everyone is like "oh this is stupid, I don't care" but then people click, read, and comment. I'll own up to the fact that I find this intriguing, and I'm nosey as shit. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT WENT DOWN. I'm intrigued motherfuckers...intrigued. You keep posting, and I'll keep clicking

I don't think anyone is saying she "did" something wrong. More that this represents a "crack" in her public image because her public image isn't just about what she does, it's about her life, which includes her husband and sister. And this is something she has actively cultivated—she's not one of those celebrities who

A friend of mine is a personal assistant to a hollywood person (production person) who is well known in the industry.

She says that the toughest part about it is the hours are strange. You don't keep normal hours. One day, you might work a 14 or 15 hr day; the next day, 3 hrs, but "on call" so you can't go too far

It's weird that you felt the need to specify that you've had four jobs. You could have just said "That does not sound like any of the jobs I have had." Do you think four is a large number of jobs?

I feel bad that I don't feel bad for this friend-for-hire at all. You have a job that sucks. If you keep that job, there's something that you're getting out of it, otherwise you'd quit. Change or deal. Don't whine.

You're right, blamethatvictim. Everyone knows that the real privilege holders in America are black women. Hands down.


There were a LOT of rumors that Bradley was super abusive toward Jennifer back in the day. It's possible he's changed and become a better man. Or he just got better publicists.

If she's JUST trying to sell her book, she would have specifically stated his NAME.

I kind of want to believe that Bradley Cooper is a psychopath, if only because I have always felt him to be oddly cold and inauthentic in interviews. In reality, though, he's probably a super nice person and I am just trying to validate my totally random dislike of him. Still...he's got such emotionally dead eyes when

I totally have had the suspicion that B. Coop is a shady as fuck. And my opinion of him dropped even lower when he took his 21 yr old girlfriend to a park in Paris and read Lolita to her while she wore no make-up and overalls and looked about 11.

Oh, Gwyneth. Did you really just link to that fucking "Hardest Job in the World" video to make your point?

So Gwenyth explained away the shitty things she said by saying more shitty things? I used to admire her (Seven through The Royal Tennenbaums years) but now she just seems like a terrible, insufferable human being.

Now playing

It's Del-uh-veen. She says it in the beginning of this video:

I've always wanted a dress that dips so low it shows crack, no joke. This is HAWT.


Are we not going to talk about this?

No, Marchesa, no!

That hairstyle reminds me of something...