
It’s probably worth mentioning that Stormwind burned to the ground in the first war also. It really shouldn’t look like it does in World of Warcraft because that’s a city that has been completely rebuilt (several more times on live, too).

Technically the harbor was supposed to have been there the whole time. Stormwind has always been a port city. It’s just that it wasn’t until Wrath of the Lich King that they added the harbor onto the city in game.

You can tell it’s flying in the trailer. The gryphon flies up through the clouds, and you can see the bottom of the floating city before it does. Besides, I’m just nit picking to nit pick, heh.

Movie is its own continuity. There will be a lot of changes.

It’s not necessarily flying there. Look at the angle - the gryphon appears to be flying south over Lordamere Lake. Alterac is on the left, and the horizon is ambiguous as far as where the ground (or lack thereof) meets Dalaran. Dalaran could absolutely still be on the ground, as it should be.

If any movie was garanteed to at the very least make its money back in the Chinese market itd be Warcraft . Plus you have a few million people probably interested in it as they played the game at some point ..so I’d say itll break even at the very least.

I want to see the Arthas story and rise of the Undead race. I want to see Sylvanas be killed, resurrected, see her serve mindlessly in his army, come to her senses, revolt against him, and then see her recru -