
Well, of course! The guy who was mercilessly raping children and threatening to destroy the careers of anyone who got in his way was white a clean cut throwback to days of old!  

“Clean cut young men and women” - Really, though? Sounds like this guy is from an era before women even got to play college sports.

As a 6'7 man, I suggest we burn them all at the stake, then parade their charred corpses infront of the younger generation to ensure the message is received.

So they draw the line on tee shirts but not rampant child abuse? 

on the one hand: awful, late-capitalist hellscape.

Though my Spanish is rusty, I also gathered that Sergio Ramos is no fan of the current U.S. immigration practice of separating asylee applicant parents from their children (since, he explained, it fails to separate the shoulders of the kids as well).

This clip is made even better by the fact that both teams have fucking fantastic uniforms. 

some of us are still in law school

It took me 18 seconds to read your comment, so I am gonna jot that down as 0.4 hours against your retainer.

Hey some of us have other types of jobs that we don’t do

For more analysis, we now go live to a bunch of lawyers with too much free time on their hands: the entire Deadspin commentariat.

Looks like they’ve fallen

I take it you’ve not seen this.

The sun was brighter. The grass was greener. Food tasted better.

“The NFL is a business, and if people aren’t consuming a product, that’s a sign of a failure of the company to offer a product people want to consume.”

Obesity in Green Bay, WI.

You want highlight truther takes that disparage some 20-year-old kid playing keeper for a Div-II soccer team in wherever the fuck Stonehill is? I’m here for it: