
Whatever happened to the term "art nerd"?

@Understater: I dunno, after I went to college and got sexually active, I just kinda... stopped. The benefits of a cutty buddy are that you don't need your hands (for yourself, at least).

I think that Courtney has heard this song about... six times.

Are people who want to use less energy inherently involved with the idea that "cars = bad" now? I could see how this would apply to Jalopnik if, say, these commercials were in the city and everyone not in public transport, carpooling in hybrid vehicles, or cycling was blown up.

Interesting article, but the title is driving me crazy. Please capitalize it properly.

Query: does Glenn Beck think that Marxists are in favor of economic inequality?

When did Pink Berry get this flavor in?

"Gay Pimpin' With Jonny McGovern" should have made the list. Absolutely hilarious.

@CandyBacon: In all fairness, it's Twitter, not CNN. There is virtually no pertinent information on Twitter.

@Baby Beater Benz: As a boorish American, I find your comment both alienating and unreadable.

@Daywalkers: as a gay teen and a fan of Glee, I don't feel like the show is luring me "to my death". I know what my life is like, and it is much more conservative than Glee is, ever. There is a lot of gay media out there nowadays... Glee isn't the Fox News for young gay kids.

I don't have TIME to put on panties! I'm Coco! Get it together, people.

Too bad none of the iPad versions are on sale...

@abates25: I'd rather pay software developers for making good products at discounted prices, thanks.

There goes a good fifteen minutes of my life.

@seanism: All Gawker Media sites use HTML5, not flash. And the video is working on my iPad...

@Befitzero: This is only $99 and it's designed to stream media, not stockpile it. Given both of these facts, 8 GB is more than plenty for the purposes of the Apple TV.

Now playing

Holy shit, how did you guys miss this one.