Dallas Yu

A) You apparently don't know who Jack Thompson is, or what he did. Because Jack Thompson literally hated all video games and wanted them censored indiscriminately. An act which is entirely different and divorced from my words which critique Gamergate's existence. I never said I wanted video games banned or censored.

I've been thinking about why Gamer Gate has such an image problem (beyond the obvious of them being represented publicly and privately by deranged misogynist's that may or may not also have the potential to be violent murderers or at the very least, rapists.)

What makes GG different from . . . say a religious movement?

You have made my mind-pants go all a tingle sir.

And that perfectly encapsulates the horribleness of Gamergate's existence.

Dr. Horrible.

TB: "Hey, you million guys who follow me, don't go after Anita Sarkeesian. Who's awful, and disagree's with GG, and hates our video games!"

*Mob storms off after Anita*

TB: "Oh well, I tried."

Memoirs of a Gamergate'r: