
From the trailer this looks like a remake of the wonderful 90's film But I’m a Cheerleader. I wish this story wasn’t still so real and needing to be told 20 years later.

I’m so sorry for your loss. My mum adopted 2 brothers who were found dumped in a drain when the were so young their eyes were just opening. They had to live in a newborn tank at our local cat vet shelter until they were old enough to take home. They’re now 12 and still inseparable and hilarious. They groom each other

Oh they do! My girl kitten was spayed and still had many intimate relationships with my bath mats and weirdly my husbands sweaty running shoes as soon as he’d taken them off

I knew I wanted a girl cat so I could talk to her about boys. 15 years later, Cleopatra has seen me through several boyfriends and a divorce. I have cried more tears into her soft black fur than my human friends ever saw me shed and she is the vault of all my secrets. As I tell my Virgin Queen (always spay your cats!)

Hi Kelly

We love this shit on the Gold Coast. It’s a good fun story. Nobody got shot. The cops and life savers looked like heroes. Omeros bros got a shout out. Deserved - their oyster shots are the bomb. Yes our town is ghetto but it’s fun ghetto