Can you imagine if someone posted an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”
Can you imagine if someone posted an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”
This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.
You are very much mistaken, I’m afraid. This “awful crone” is a lifelong lawyer, judge and litigator who has spent decades in the justice system, and it shows. Your proud ignorance is a little odd, if you’ve never watched her once. She’s a pretty badass lady. As she says, “They don’t keep me here because I’m…
If people didn’t lie to her, she would be chill with them. But they always lie, and thus deserve a new asshole.
***There would be no interrupting and strict adherence to time limits and sticking to the original question.***
Judge Judy 4 debate moderator.
Other than the rapper part, you’ve described every one of my friends and myself. None of us have anything figured out. Most of us are only now just starting our careers. The recession really effed us over.
Yeah, as already mentioned, he’s trying to be the manager. As you’ve said, you’ve only seen the first episode... maybe it’s just me, but he does seem to want to get his sh*t together, and not just sit around staring at the walls when someone asks him to do something.
I don’t think he’s too old for it. Maybe he “should” be, or like 10 years ago everyone would have thought so, but I know lots and lots of 30ish year olds who are still figuring life out and don’t have full fledged careers.
I think the apartment is a duplex with some glass walls overlooking other rooms. Kim was in the upstairs bedroom and saw people walking up to her room while she was in bed. The friend was downstairs in another bedroom with an attached bath and locked herself in there when she saw strangers inside.
All of it.
What’s dressing up like Rihanna? You think she walks around wearing heart furs every day? She spends far more of her time dressed like a regular person than she does dressed fancy.
Seth Myers’ White House Corespondents’ Dinner stint is a really unappreciated gem, especially for his Trump-focused shots.
What’s he gonna do? Sue every black guy in DC wearing a yellow shirt? He wasn’t caught.
Thank you, sweet tagging Prince.
Gawker is gone please stop