
“Cannibalism” is an outdated and oppressive term. The politically correct terminology is “free eating.” The readers of Jez are due an apology.

I agree. After all, there are fine people on both sides.

Next thing you know, these snowflakes will be demanding our Jeffrey Dahmer statues be taken down. Where do you draw the line? He’s part of our history.

There are good people on both sides of the heavily child laden table.

Eating children is part of her culture!

I’m going to spend 90% of my next therapy appointment talking about why my mother didn’t love me enough to give me an entire bowl of jam

What’s next? A wall to keep all the delicious children out?

Good point. You can’t just sit around covered in jam and expect people not to eat you.

Virginia was eating kids before it was cool.

That’s fine. If Jezebel wants to keep supporting the closed minded and oppressive lobby of people who think we should not, as a society, eat children, it’s clear that there’s really no room for actual debate here . But I would ask you to consider, dear reader, that maybe, just maybe, there *might* be two sides to


There are millions of child-eating Americans who don’t care what the coastal elites think of their beliefs and lifestyles and just want to be left alone.

I always thought the show’s name was Knob Gobbling with Lou Dobbs, but I musta misheard.

You make a strong case. I would eat that child.

This delicious baby is a wannabe juggalo. 10/10 would eat.

You liberal media snowflakes are so oversensitive. What about Cannibal Witch’s rights? What’s next, banning cannibalism altogether? Am I even living in a free country any more if I can’t eat my enemies??????


I for one am appalled by the continued censorship of pro-child eating viewpoints by the liberal media. Cannibalism is a complex issue, and the American people deserve to hear both sides.

I think you’re being too rash in your judgement here. Some of them cover themselves with jam, taunting us.