
The local public health department put out this infographic (granted it’s about the AZ vaccine). Honestly those stats are scary when you see them like that. Covid is no frikkin joke and people calling it the flu make me so mad. Just take the vaccine :/

God those period gloves...it was so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO obvious that it was something invented by guys. I hate shit like that. It makes me rage.

Wow. I think this is quite a bad take. 

I would bet money it was done in a calculated fashion to cause damage. This is basic diplomatic protocol. The Turks knew what they were doing. I used to work for a high ranking Government official in my country, who used to meet other dignitaries all the time, and when it came to for e.g. seating at a table or chairs

Not to nitpick, but the European Commission and European Council are capitalised. 

No they don’t have to, it’s another type of will. And I agree with the rest of your comment.

Also a lawyer, but in the EU.

I think it’s difficult for people from rich Western nations to fathom that when they move to another country, they are also immigrants. They view immigrants as the ‘other’ and don’t understand that they are also actually that ‘other’.

I always find it amazing (in a bad way) that America STILL doesn’t have paid maternity leave, but I also live in Socialismland (stole this from another commenter), so what do I know.

It’s like a Schrodinger’s cat, but with literal crap. I love it.

Yes I agree, I was being facetious in the first comment.

Thank you, you have perfectly articulated my feelings in a much better way! Again, I have no art training whatsoever, and I only learnt art history up to the Renaissance at school (we had to read Vasari’s Lives of the Artists), although I have some familiarity with the more important artists of the last couple of

I saw Three Studies for figures at the base of a Crucifixion at the Tate Modern. I think I had also seen a triptych of George Dyer on the same day (I think Triptych August 1972 but I’m not 100% sure). The latter really affected me.

Let me qualify my statement as I shouldn’t have drawn the line so violently - I find a fair share of his work hideous.

I get what you mean regarding the visceral reaction. I got that feeling when I saw Bacon triptychs at a museum. They were like a gut punch, but they made me feel something.

You are singularly charming :D

Hmm that is true

I have nothing to say about this except that I think Damien Hirst’s work is hideous. 

No idea, although Diet Prada have come out against her as well. 

Yeah it is an interesting language, I think it’s because we have such a long ancient history of colonisation, that each colonizer left their mark on our language and culture. Even our culture, I think there are aspects which are more Maghrebin in nature, whilst others are more European. Whilst we’re part of the EU a