
I’m neither American nor am I British (although I have British family members). I think even the reaction to the story, shows this, that is, certain people disliked the fact that this interview took place at all (the Americanness of opening up in such a way, which conflicts with the traditional British stiff upper

It’s always jarring seeing my country being referred to online (Maltese here). And yes she does kind of look like my late maternal Nanna! 

McCammond and her boyfriend both sound like peaches...wasn’t he recently fired / or he resigned from Deputy White House Press Secretary for threatening a journalist?

100% would watch. 

I hate talking about people’s looks but sometimes it’s hard not to. The irony here is that the good Pastor is not a prize looks wise himself...

Leslie Jordan is a delight. 

Really hope you’re not a lawyer.

Me too. I used to like reading his stuff when he worked at the Guardian. But now....meh

Glenn Greenwald is a turd of the highest degree but I believe he’s gay. But yeah I totally agree that Republicans pile on AOC because they find them attractive and they know that she would never...

Seriously, fuck her.

No shade to those who undergo surgery and get filler etc. (if I had the money I would!).

I’m finding the Daily Fail’s headlines about the EU being a big meanie as there are disruptions at the border, especially with regard to food, particularly hilarious and enraging at the same time. Like what did they really expect?? This is what was to be expected so how is this a surprise?? A free trade area is not

I had no idea who he was prior to this. His twitter is/was a veritable smorgasbord of bad takes. I mean using the n word was unacceptable in 2011. Even I know that and I’m a non-American living in Europe.

Indeed he does sound like a jerk.

Enjoy https://junkee.com/bean-dad-explainer-twitter-john-roderick/283867

She got a book deal with Simon & Schuster and a deal with HBO, so I think she will be ok.

There are a lot of blonde and pale Spanish people though. Spain is definitely full of very white people. The most problematic thing about this is the accent she put on. 

As another non-American, I also agree. It’s a great place to visit, but I certainly wouldn’t live there unless I were a mega-zillionaire or something ridiculous like that. 

I remember going through a phase of speaking and singing only in Italian (I am not Italian but I watched a shit ton of Italian tv growing up) when I was the Clooney - Amal twins’ age. I don’t think it’s THAT uncommon.