
That’s not the advice being given by the Health Authority of where I live (an EU country not the US). If a person is exposed to a positive person they have to isolate for a period of a number of days before getting tested. And I live in a country where everyone who wants to get tested can do so...and results are

A test is not foolproof. A rapid test is not 100%. A PCR test taken too quickly can produce a false negative. Can people just not socialise? Jeez I know it sucks, but dying of Covid sucks more. 

She has consistently defended Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. Unrelated, but she is actually Australian.

The comments in grey are being facetious. Whilst Prince Charles didn’t engineer the exploitation personally himself, he has surely directly benefited from the riches gained from that exploitation.

I am from a Commonwealth country as well. The Royal Family and the imperialists can fuck right off. My country was not enslaved but we were exploited and treated as the idiot savage natives. In my opinion the only good things the British left us were a national health service and a good command of the English

That’s what I was thinking as well! Like how was that not commented upon??

I distinctly recall that in the Uncover podcast series on NXIVM, Saran Edmondson (a DOS member) stated that the brands were the initials of both Raniere and Mack.

I don’t want to seem like I’m fat shaming or whatever, because I’m really not, and the points Kelly is raising are valid and true. But it still kind of appears to be a fact that obesity is a risk factor in severe Covid.

That was really affecting. Thank you for posting this. 

*I’d change that to most Euros to be honest (I’m European myself).

I’m currently dating, and I consider it the height of cowardice to break up via text. My ex boyfriend broke up with me in this way. Whilst we were only together for six months, I felt it was a serious relationship (we had said I love yous, were exclusive etc). I was very angry that he broke up with me that way,

LOL if Gigi’s hair in that photo is frizzy....

I would bet money that Meghan and Harry were involved in this book. Maybe not directly a la Diana, but maybe briefing their friends extremely well and then directing said friends to Scobie and Durand. Before Princess Diana’s death it was denied that she had collaborated with Andrew Morton on his book.

Katy Perry needs to take a seat on this and let other people speak. Of course Ellen was nice to her, she’s an A list celebrity ffs.

Not saying it was, but certain traits presented in the show weren’t not true...

So true. I’m surprised there have been no recent articles on Kanye and Kim’s current issues.

I am feel for the letter writer, as I am in a similarish boat. I’m also 31. I got dumped a couple of months ago by someone I really loved. In reality he did me a favour as he was not sure he wanted more kids (he already has one). I know a couple of people who are pregnant at the moment and whilst I’m happy for them, I

Piers Morgan is still an asshole, but damn he is really speaking truth to power at the moment (UK Government officials are boycotting his show). I really did not see that coming.