
Trey was a beautiful nightmare of character. He probably couldn’t have helped ejaculating on her leg...but he was in control when he bought that cardboard baby. That’s probably the difference. If I was having fertility issues I’d very offended as well.

These figures are gobsmacking. I’ve also seen articles of people rationing their inhalers or insulin as they can’t afford it. It’s crazy to me that such a rich country mistreats its citizens this way. I may be speaking from the really privileged position of being a citizen of a country with good free medical

That was the main thought passing through my head whilst reading this article. It always boggles my mind how a country which is in many respects a great one does not provide all of its citizens with healthcare. I think America really is great, provided you’re really rich....

I really can’t understand the logic of not counting death which occurred in care homes....actually now I come to think about it, it’s the Tory Government trying to cover its ass.

Boris Johnson has been a daddy for some time now. He already has 5 confirmed children, excluding the newborn. And allegedly he has another secret child. 

I read on the Daily Fail that it does, but taking that with a pinch of salt. I read in other places that she can also inherit a share of his estate.

One of his former partners already testified during the trial. She testified that she was afraid that he would suffocate her during sex. I’m looking for the article but no joy so far, but I’ve read it for sure. 

They’re mainly publicly funded from people’s taxes. In my opinion, that’s one of the main differences. I guess people feel some sense of ownership over them because of this fact. 

I came here to say that. She was fantastic in Fosse/Verdon, although it was totally Michelle Williams’ show. Kind of sad it kind of slipped under the radar. 

It probably comes from being basically forgotten or shit upon by the people from the mainland ever since the unification of Italy. Same with Sardinians. There’s a lot of classism involved.

Thank you! Would have bugged me all day trying to remember. 

From which film is that? I have a hunch it’s Hot Fuzz. Am I right or very very wrong?

Sizing at Mango and Zara is a joke. I’m a UK size 12 (US 10) and I sometimes wear their largest size...

Based on your comments, obviously. 

People criticize her because she has a tan? Isn’t she part Sicilian? They can tend to be very tanned.

The podcast Criminal is doing an interesting series on sex work. One episode focused on a trans immigrant former sex worker and her life whilst the most recent one dealt with a higher end escort as well as a sex worker at the Bunny Ranch. They touched upon the decriminalization / legalisation aspects of it. Highly

On a related note, ‘American Overdose, The Opioid Tragedy in Three Acts’ by Chris McGreal is also a very good read. The Sacklers, the pharmaceutical companies in general and the FDA all have blood on their hands. Horrible stuff. 

They were sleeping in separate bedrooms, had a young child and she was on call 24 hours a day. Maybe sex and intimacy went out of the picture for a while.

Whenever I read about healthcare stuff in the USA, I thank God that I live in a country with universal healthcare and where even private healthcare is not exorbitant (an appointment with a specialist is around 60 USD). Hurrah for Nye Bevan!