Yeah, my sympathy to Maynard was kinda lost when I read this:
Yeah, my sympathy to Maynard was kinda lost when I read this:
Am I the only one who gets weird cultish vibes from Hillsong? It’s the church Selena Gomez is a member of (together with the Biebs and hisfiancee), and in that Elle interview she mentioned she moved in with a fellow friend from church. I don’t know, something about it weirds me out (besides their stance on…
I believe the alleged incident took place in California, where the age of consent is 18.
I’m sorry and you’re right. What Jimmy Bennett accused her of doing is statutory rape.
I don’t know....those text messages sent to Rain Dove where she admitted she had sex with him. The fact that she tried to justify it because she was in a relationship at 17 with a 33 year old. The fact that she’s now pinning the payout on the dead guy who can’t really defend himself. The fact that she’s using the same…
I can’t believe that it needs saying (looking at you Fox News and Daily Mail) is an honest job something to be ashamed of?? All honest jobs, that do not harm anyone else have their own dignity. I just can’t with people who think that their job entitles them to lord over other people.
It really blows my mind too (I come from a country with universal healthcare as well as other benefits such as parental leave, which is also sadly lacking in the USA). I mean people don’t ask to get sick. Rich or poor, illness can strike everyone and it’s mind boggling to me that if you’re poor without insurance in…
Preach. I think I never had a flat stomach (not even when I was very thin at 16). Not even when I was eating in a disordered fashion and weighed 116llbs (I’m 5ft6). It’s just how my body is. I think it’s never going to happen for me unless I never eat carbs again. Usually I’m fine with it, but sometimes when I see…
Well it wouldn’t be a huge stretch that paparazzi were staking out his house given that he was seen with a 22 year old playboy model and paying for beer (when he’s a known alcoholic) a few days prior to the intervention. At the same time I’m not saying Garner may not have informed the paparazzi as Hollywood is dirty.
It's not a competition.
The google images are also quite disturbing (one of the first ones is one of the Sprouse brothers dressed as a girl). Asia Argento was involved sexually with JT Leroy (the literary fraud) during that time. Her denials were also weird during that time (because she said she didn't know JT was actually a woman)
Same sister, same. I think I know of half of these people. Feeling my age (I am 29).
That human troll doll 6ix9ine.
A cousin works in production and Love Island is one of the shows she works on (she’s been on it since the first season). Apparently they cut a lot of it out as it’s very graphic. Haven't asked her about this season yet...
I called the police stationed in the area. I think later today I'll call the Mcdonalds too.
Thanks. I'm safe home now. Woke up my poor mother for a hug. I know it could have been nothing but my gut just kicked into overdrive.
Thanks. I know I'm safe now but I feel like someone is sitting ony my chest and I want to puke. Thank you for your kind words.
Fuck I’m really creeped out and feel so uneasy. It’s 3.30am here and after a night out I went to Mcdonalds drive thru. I parked my car near the restaurant and started to eat. There were some minivans with workers going home. The second they left a dude creeps out from the bushes near me and asks me for directions to a…
It's probably the best selling paper in the UK. People take it very very seriously. To me they helped bring on Brexit. Also government ministers and MPs contribute to it, so it can't be equated with the Enquirer. It has the sheen of the legitimate although it's a hate filled rag.