It’s a dark art I cannot seem to be master either. My mother can fold a fitted sheet and she tried to teach me but I just can’t do it.
It’s a dark art I cannot seem to be master either. My mother can fold a fitted sheet and she tried to teach me but I just can’t do it.
I think the term ‘blind item’ has been around for a while now. So no need to feel your age :)
I’m 29. And yes many ‘donuts’ to try. This conversation has actually made me feel better. And yes me smiling when I don't feel like will make me look deranged, especially at 6.30am when I'm at the gym and looking 6 types of shit.
Thank you for your lovely and gracious reply.
Ugh I hate you...
Michelle Williams’ statement made me a bit teary. She sounds like a lovely person. And the things she said are very wise. They touched this cynical single person’s heart.
Suzanne Charny was amazing in Rich man’s Frug. The dance is so weird but so enticing. Her movements are so sexy. I've been watching it every day for weeks straight.
Burberry already went through a period when it was very unfashionable as it, or its plaid design was co-opted by so called chavs (google Daniella Westbrook Burberry) and it nearly went bankrupt. I’m assuming it’s something along those lines.
I am very grateful to live in a country where we have a health system based on the NHS. Whilst it’s a bummer I actually feel proud to pay my taxes towards the health service. It really is criminal that just because someone is poor and they get sick they have this additional pressure and stress. Whilst the system is…
Not everyone has American traditions, so what to you is not wedding cake to other cultures is....fruitcake has been served at weddings probably since before America became a country. For e.g. where I live it is a traditional to have almond cake as a wedding cake. All that being said, if I were ever to get married I…
Don't die on this hill. Accept your privilege because your repeated use of the word brutality is not a good look.
I'm sorry you went through this because it sounds awful. I didn't know this existed. I'm a fellow eczema sufferer. Something new to obsess and worry about.
He should stop talking about her in public because that obviously alienates her and the Firm more. Mr Markle should take a leaf out of Duchess Kate’s father (he has never uttered a word, but he’s also a millionaire so maybe he didn’t need the money?).
Joe Alwyn will also be in the new Mary Queen of Scots film. He’s playing Elizabeth I’s alleged lover.
Fucking hell he’s trying to bring down the UK government by endorsing Boris Johnson. Wtf. Where does this man get off?
I thought some university recreated her portrait using 3D technology and they made her with red hair. And although some portraits were inaccurate, not all of them were (for eg Richard III’s portraits were very accurate when they reconstructed his face after they found his skull under that carpark, of all places...)
It would make sense she spoke in a French accent given she was sent there as a small child. I think she had red hair though.
Squee!! It looks amazing! The posters are also flipping gorgeous. Can't wait for this.
Trump is literally the stereotype of the ugly American abroad. It's the first time in my life that I'm actively reducing the amount of news I'm reading given that everything is a clusterfuck. I can't handle all the bald faced lies which he says (not saying other politicians don't lie because they do, but Trump would…
You must remember this did a series on Charles Manson, so that’s cult adjacent. Casefile also did a couple of episodes on Jonestown. They went into a lot of detail. Kept me sane on a 10 hour car trip in the Atlas mountains...