
"Noted killjoy the Parents Television Council has preemptively taken a dislike to WE tv's new series Sex Box, presumably because the title contains the two filthiest words in the English language after "moist."" It appears that the So-called "A.V. Club" endorses this perversion. This is journalism?! Sick and twisted!

It appears that "A.V. Club" believes in censorship more than free speech. They are no better than the Muslim extremists that killed the Charlie Hebdo writers. They censor comments of free people. Reinstate my recent comments or else there will be legal action.

Che Guevara was a traitorous scumbag. He should've been choked in the cradle.

So much for the House of VanderBilt. It burned down in flames. Honestly, Kathy Griffin could have been the tipping point for him at New Years. She possibly offered him an "oral complement" and didn't do it right.

So much for the House of VanderBilt. It burned down in flames. Honestly, Kathy Griffin could have been the tipping point for him at New Years. She possibly offered him an "oral complement" and didn't do it right.