
@SSUK: Perfect to freshen your scent before engaging in sweaty male-to-male intercourse.

@color_guru: I did that, but it told me my upgrade date for the iPhone was 12/2/10. I talked to someone at my local AT&T store, and they told me my upgrade date would be the day the iPhone 4 is released.

@Kizler: Have you actually spoken to an AT&T person? I'm not talking about a call center CSR, I mean someone at one of your local AT&T stores. I got my 3GS on July 1, 2009, but because I'm on an unlimited family plan, I'm eligible to upgrade at launch. Their upgrade dates fluctuate depending on how much you pay, and

@Low_note_Lowdown: Whoops, wrong comment. Fuck I wish I could un-promote this.

@DrMatta: Like Dante's Inferno, but with more product placement and gratuitous panty shots.

@ToonLink97: Same here. What do you think of it? I quite like mine.

@Rachel Fogg: Ah, yeah, I know how that is. I'm starred on Gizmodo, and it's like "Troll? MUST. RESIST. URGE. TO. REPLY." I've seen many a star taken away because of it. ;~;

@Rachel Fogg: On that note, what happened to your star? At least I could have sworn you had one last I saw, but then again, I haven't really been in the Kotaku comments for a couple months. D:

@YoungZer0: God, I wish I could promote this so badly. It's the funniest thing, this giant internet bandwagon everyone loves to jump on. They don't really fact check or anything, and go with what's popular.

@Azures: Dude, I'm a Mac fanboy, and even I hate the really bad Mac fanboys. I ain't better than anyone. I just like a certain brand of computer a lot XD

FUCK. YES. That is all.

@zlarm: well, I think the implication of this is that they'll be making the Source engine Mac-compatible, meaning all the various Source games will be playable. And knowing Valve, who aren't exactly in the business of nickel-and-diming customers, they may charge some little fee to get Mac copies, but I'm guessing

@zlarm: I know I'm not alone in not playing Steam games for long stretches because I can't be bothered to reboot in Windows. If they made it natively Mac, those people wouldn't have to. They'd play more, therefore they'd buy more, seeing as they have regular access to the store an the platform as a whole.

@JJBro1: Many will, though if Valve retools Source to be compatible with Macs, that should eliminate a TON of problems with a majority of the games on there.

@Sean Hunter: Oh fuck. "I hope our investors don't get in touch with our friends in Black Mesa." Didn't catch the rest, but that alone makes me giddy and excited like a school girl on cocaine. And I don't know why, exactly.

@TriGun5312: But the thing is, what if they can go through political themes while remaining entertaining? A shining example of that would be both Bioshock games. They each took an opposite political/social ideology, used them as a backdrop for an entire plot, and showed the demons of both. It wasn't in a way that it