Daleks Attacking Indianapolis

"Less worse" I'd say

"There are many, very real conspiracies that have happened.." Yeah she believes other crazy stuff, that's why I had to unfollow her. Can't remember if Anti GMO or Anti vaccine.

And Sam J. Jones!

In the comic The Saint of Killers appears right from the start.


I didn't know a privileged trans person could be aware that she's "one of the lucky ones" and that most trans people have it pretty though.

"Naval-gazing"? But there are like two boats only in the whole series.

If you'd ever asked WTF with the Smurfs and their "smurf" this "smurf" that dialect; Eco wrote a great essay just about it.

In which movie Bogart gets pegged?

I don't know who but I want 6 actors including a woman like in Todd Haynes' Dylan biopic _I'm Not There_ (2007)

This is pretty cool but yet I need to point out that in some cases the season an episodes numbers are mixed up.

I want to watch a new movie a day and finally watch every IMDb Top 250 film in the process

He sounds like a powerless Kilgrave.

It has an antenna, like Futurama taught us, antennas are robots penises somehow.

With James Bond and Han Solo. What could possibly go wrong?

They're supposedly still making Justice League Dark, just without Del Toro.

Such a great movie. But they praised and awarded Cuarón for Sandra Bullock floating in space for 91 minutes.

Someone should edit the Doc and Mharti audio on BTTF clips