
I want my chime back too. Taking away the chime is a serious crime in this console war time.

HA, 2009 is the YEAR OF THE PS3! Hmmm, this could backfire though since his approval ratings are going lower each day, we don't want people rising up and buying 360's just to put it to the man!

@Pepek: More boring than F1? I dunno about that. F1 is basically follow the leader for 3 hours. There are very few lead changes and passes during an F1 race, and 90% of the time a driver dominates the race so there's very little suspense near the end.

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@Owen Good: The COT might be ugly, but did you see the racing at Talladega this year and last year? It's been the best I have seen in years! It's incredible to see two cars get hooked up in the draft and pass the entire field by themselves. Here's what I am talking about...

By the way, props to all of the people on here being respectful about posting. I posted this on another forum and they started to attack the sport, and me, in a very demeaning manner. Glad to see people on here are gamers that make me happy to be a gamer.

@Alex_Mexico: I think the main difference between F1 and NASCAR (both of which I enjoy a lot) is that in F1 it's more about the driver racing the track whereas in NASCAR the drivers have to focus much more on racing the other drivers. I mean F1 has almost half the number of cars racing at once, and they are driving

@nrXic: Hey, GT5 with NASCAR is almost guaranteed to be better than a full fledged EA NASCAR game.

@agentfiggy: Yep, they've sold roughly 2.5 million copies in the years that EA held it's monopoly on the rights of the game.

@Alex_Mexico: I don't think GT5 has the NASCAR license so to speak, not like EA did at least. That's not confirmed though.

@GoonerVance: Good argument, I too get bored during some races, many of them are a tad bit too long. That being said, Talladega is exciting from start to finish 99% of the time, plus when you are at the track with a radio scanner on your head it's awesome to see how a race unfolds with all of the differing strategies

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@willz0rz: Oh yeah that finish was AWESOME, I gotta embed it though because its that good lol.

@Kobun: So far i've seen the 88, 48, 24, 14, 11, and 55. That was just from the E3 trailer but hopefully many more will be in the final product.

@Solday: Gotta disagree with you there. Nothing is more exciting than a race at Talladega, nothing.

@Kobun: the tune is clearly....

@rcgaryk: Yeah us gamers cared but the gaming media just stood their and yawned imo. I'm interested to see what NASCAR in GT5 will be like because I have to say GT5P's Daytona racing is excellent!

@(Zombie) Goldwings: Well actually it was Tide that supported NASCAR, but, unfortunately, Tide pulled out a few years ago. If it makes you feel any better I thought the Tide car was one of the best looking on the track every weekend.

@AJFay77: That's true BUT iracing is expensive. I hope they have a good NASCAR starter package when the season starts next year because I don't like the idea of having to pay extra for cars and tracks.

@(Zombie) Goldwings: Yeah in an ideal world Sony would pimp NASCAR in GT5 like Microsoft does Halo on the 360 BUT it'll be a cold day in hell before Sony realizes the opportunity they have. I will say though I went to the Talladega race a couple years ago in the fall and Sony actually had some PS3s outside the track