
@rcgaryk: yep, I still have my copy of NASCAR Racing 2003! It's funny how nobody cared about EA buying the rights for NASCAR but now that they bought out the NFL's rights the lawsuits start flying. EA destroys the quality of games with their huge wallet. I say the more games to choose from the better off the fans

By the way, here is an article I posted on another forum that shows why NASCAR in GT5 is important for the game and the PS3 in general.

@(Zombie) Goldwings: Oh yeah for sure, I kinda feel bad for NASCAR gamers in general because at the end of the day there's still only one game to choose from.

@Kobun: they turn right on the road courses :P

This is where Gran Turismo 5 steps in. Good riddance EA, your NASCAR games have been mediocre at best since NASCAR Thunder 2004. Right now is a GREAT time to be a PS3 owner that is also a NASCAR fan. I feel sorry for the 360 folk.

meh, one less game i'll have to buy out of the many that will be available.

Played this on the 360, definitely worth a purchase.

If there's so much money to be had with Green Jobs then why does it take government intervention to make it happen?

Jimmy Fallon to me is much funnier than Conan, Letterman, or anyone else. I didn't really like him on SNL but as a show host I haven't seen a bad episode yet (out of the four I have seen!).

Bring Tennessee to Obama's side? Ha. I live in TN and that is a funny statement. Sorry guys but we care much more about the new one billion dollar plus VW plant that's being built in Chattanooga TN. Also, this is a state full of conservative/libertarian people and we are not happy that our tax dollars are being used

Who cares about the far right boycotting GM when only 42% of GM owners would be interested in buying another GM car? Furthermore, only 6% of non-gm owners are "very likely" going to purchase a GM car. Just because my tax dollars are going towards a company that should have been left to lay in the grave it dug for

Why do these game companies all of a sudden want to make idiotic, politically charged games? All they do is get canceled anyway. What a waste of time.