
It's funny how a lot of people hate Republicans but it's almost always a Democrat going after video games.

I know these cars are quick and dangerous but NHRA is going to have to do a NASCAR and find a way to protect the drivers better. Two drivers dead in two seasons, and lets not forget how badly John Force was hurt. It's time they do something before more people get killed, and don't tell me they've been trying to slow

PSP needs more games, I reckon! As well as a huge redesign, I am sick and tired of the analog thingy.

I love jet dragsters, but they need a longer strip to race on because NHRA still beats them easily in the quarter mile.

Last night at Wal Mart I stood in line just to get a game but 8 out of 10 bundles were sold.


hey man people gotta play the new NASCAR game!

Maybe Uwe Boll should adapt this to a movie....


Gabe Newell?! He's the dickface that said the PS3 is a waste of time! This guy is a jerk and doesn't know anything. He's the one sole reason I will NEVER buy the Orange box.

Pc gaming? I stopped pc gaming once I bought games that would freeze or not work that could not be returned. Buy a console, the games work, the graphics are nearly the same, etc.

Indiana Jones 4 sucked, Lucas is anything but a genius.