
I love NASCAR by IRL racing can easily be just as exciting. A lot of the tracks they go to it's like racing at Talladega, just one huge pack of cars inches from each other but these guys are doing at over 230!! It's truly incredible how fast these IRL cars can go. I really hope that in the near future IRL racing will

Ben are you crazy?! The headline this weekend is NOT the Indy 500, it's the Coca Cola 600! NASCAR's Coke 600 receives higher ratings than the Indy 500. I'll be sitting at home watching the Monaco Grand Prix, the Indy 500, and then the Coca Cola 600. Thank god for motorsports!

Awesome, one more reason I don't need a 360.

COLONY WARS 1!!!!!!!

I'd never associate the band with bashing in faces cuz I hate buying EA games! :)

Well lets see how many fun THQ games have I played this year.....oh that's right none! On top of that, they are totally screwing up Red Faction in my opinion. They should not fix something that isn't broken.

Hate to say B.S. but for anyone that watches the show "Future Cars" on HD Theater would know that this is false. On the alternative fuels episode this was actually the last type of car to be shown, by an old guy and not by a 15 year old. They did use compressed air to move the pistons, but at the time you had to use