Dale Dribble

Telling your rapist that you want to ‘fuck his brains out’ and then sending another, oh, 1000 messages to him doesn’t mean that you weren’t raped -but it means the rapist will never, ever be convicted in a court as long as the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt

Um, maybe you’re the thirsty one David Spade. Nobody gives any sort of fuck what you think about basically anything.

Oh man I used to work for BRS the company that makes these. Every once and a while, they’d have to test them with live pilots (yea we had some self flying) and 1-2 engineers. It was like the least wanted desk job on the planet. “Ya sit here at this desk for months, and every once and a while we’ll send you out on a


There’s no missile in there. That’s too short to carry a ICBM (this is a missile transporter/erector)

Speed caused this, just like most other pedestrian deaths in NYC. In a borough in which the speed limit is 25, this guy had to be doing 40 or more to wind up in someone’s front lawn.

Nobody goes to jail for holding someones wrist you dumb ass. If you’re such a White Knight you’d know the guy was trying to keep the drunk, belligerent, and aggressive young lady from running out on the street. How many times do the cops have to say she was acting crazy, and had no visible signs of abuse before you

You're right but this article is particularly aggravating to me. There's enough actual instances of men behaving badly towards women that it doesn't need to be coaxed out of a situation in which police were called and ultimately did nothing.

So, nothing newsworthy happened?

Do any other users, medical or not, find the term ‘pothead’ offensive?

You really can’t see why this is stupid? The narcissism, the addiction to their phones, the inability to connect to the world around them. It’s all pretty sad. I mean it’s not like they took one or two selfies, they were all literally glued to their phones the whole time taking selfie after selfie. The announcer is

‘Turn your head and cough’ usually refers to a prostate check, while the doctor’s fingers are in the male patient’s rectum. If that happened to you during a routime high school physical, you might want to talk to someone about that.

She’s trying to get some use out of her pre-boob job tops.

Lot to comprehend here, but the verdict’s in......

Oh calling names? Ok cumstain hack writer, I’ll say it again: The headline “Vin Baker’s Training to Manage a Starbucks” is a passive dig at the guy. I suspect you’re the cockbreathed cousin at the holidays saying, “Hey Jim, so how’s it going working in the GROCERY STORE? What? Why’s the guy pissed? Just asking about

Maybe he feels...hunted?

Who woulda thunk that the sport popularized by douchebags would have a douchebag leading it?

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation