
Yeah, I've always thought that sort of thing was a bit odd. My mum insists on sending us anniversary cards, too, which is a day I thought was only celebrated by the people involved in the relationship.

Again, totally ok with this.

I see nothing wrong with this, in fact I actually think it's a good idea. This is father's day we're talking about, after all, so surely if there's any day to be spending time with the children who make you a father, this is it.

There was already another TV reboot, starring Ian Ogilvy, which was pretty good, if somewhat cheesy.

This was discussed at some length on the original thread. Someone (OnGreyStreet, if memory serves) said she'd asked her mum, who was a nurse, and she told us that green bananas give you constipation and yellow ones do the opposite.

No, it's not just you. Have you seen The Fall?

He’ll have been busy playing Denise in Twin Peaks for a while, I guess.

She actually lived in Crouch End, just round the corner from an old friend of mine. Apparently she was totally cool; slobbing round the neighbourhood in sweat pants and not being at all "Hollywood".

“she’s moved on to bigger and better things acting-wise”

Awful Black.

There aren't enough fuck yous in the world for these assholes.

I'm sorry, this comment does not compute.

Wow, that’s a good fact, never knew that, thanks. I had always wondered about that scene, it was an amazingly accurate shot.

You..."stopped watching"...How on earth did you manage that?

Yeah, I thought everyone knew this one.

Yep, you're right, it looks cartoonish, like something from a straight to video '90s sci-fi movie. When I think of American Gods, the word that best describes the mental picture I get is "grimy".

Same here.

A childhood habit of linking pinky fingers and swearing to be faithful/stay friends/never break a promise, etc.

So if the aliens were orange...